Italy 24 Press News

FRANCHI, Schmidt-Crosetto meeting in Rome: the point

The stadium theme becomes hot also and above all for the next electoral run-off in Florence: four days before the return to the polls for the choice of the next mayor, the centre-right candidate Eike Schmidt he met in Rome the Defense Minister Guido Crosettoa meeting also attended by senator of the Brothers of Italy Paolo Marcheschi. “Differently from what happens on the other side, I am convinced that the mayor of a large city like Florence must relate to the Government in a collaborative spirit, even regardless of any political affinities. And that’s what I’ll do. It’s called a sense of institutions, which seems to me to be missing among the ranks of my adversaries”, explains Schmidt before illustrating the results of the meeting.

“With regards to the area where the new Fiorentina stadium will be built, Minister Crosetto has communicated to us his total availability to quickly evaluate any request for further information that comes to him from the future mayor, starting from the Perotti Barracks, but not only . In the municipal area of ​​Florence there are spaces owned by the Ministry of Defense that are waiting to know their future and it is sensible to think of creating a modern facility in one of these, according to twenty-first century standards, suitable for the needs of the fans, functional to sporting growth of Fiorentina and compatible with the urban structure of the city”, explained Schmidt.

“Until now the municipal administration has guiltily never taken these hypotheses into consideration, causing the city and the fans to miss out on opportunities, preferring to carry out failed and questionable real estate operations and projects that do not solve the problems. I am sure that with Eike as mayor it will be possible to realize those projects resulting from a concrete vision of a Florence aimed at the future. Viola Park is the demonstration that it can be done”, adds Marcheschi.

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