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Cultural journalism, 26 June Lazio Odg meeting on Casanatense Library

President Guido D’Ubaldo and the Order of Journalists – Lazio are organizing a series of meetings in the historic Roman libraries – in collaboration with the General Directorate of Libraries and Copyright of the Ministry of Culture – to present them and make their texts and stories known: not just places of academic knowledge but sometimes unsuspected spaces, created by the magnanimity of scholars and the expertise of famous architects. “Cultural Journalism – the Casanatense Library: the protection of books. From the Monumental Hall to the Library of the Chamber of Deputies” is the new appointment with the continuing education course which will be held on 26 June 2024 – 9.30/13.30 – at the Library in Via S. Ignazio, 52 Rome. After the stops at the central National Library of Rome where the students questioned contemporary literature and writing in the 100 years of Italo Calvino. An unexpressed journalistic talent (17 January 2024); after the analysis in which the architectural structure is placed alongside the art of books in the Angelica Library: from the “Vanvitellian vase” to the social library (19 March 2024); the focus now shifts to the Casanatense Library in Rome, a point of reference for the Dominican Fathers.

The Library has approximately 400,000 volumes including manuscripts, incunabula and printed matter, of which approximately 60,000 are still contained in the ancient monumental hall. Within this book heritage there are over 120,000 printed volumes, published from 1501 to 1830; the approximately 13,000 editions of the 16th century are today all cataloged according to the ISBDA standard and available in the OPAC of the Casanatense, located not only in the ancient Hall, but also in other sections, such as Bancone, CC, CCC, Rari and among the bound miscellanies in volumes or collected in boxes. From the ancient biblical-theological-historical-juridical nucleus, the subsequent acquisitions, in a successful policy of enrichment and expansion of plural themes and variety of interests, made the Library an institute of international renown which excelled among Roman libraries until 1794, acquiring in its collections universality of contents that would characterize it until the mid-19th century. Founded by Cardinal Girolamo Casanate in 1701, after bequeathing his will in favor of the Dominicans of the convent of S. Maria sopra Minerva in Rome, the Library is registered in the Insula Sapientiae. A rich cultural journey which, starting from the Monumental Hall of the Library, reaches the historic rooms of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies – the Refectory Hall, the Inquisition Halls, the Galileo Halls, the Colombo Hall and the Hall of the Trusses – a journey spanning over 500 years of history in the heart of the Rome of the Popes.

In the seventeenth century it was precisely in those rooms that Galileo Galilei pronounced his abjuration before the Tribunal of the Inquisition; in the following century, thanks to the initiative of Cardinal Casanate, the first public library in Rome was opened there. The library today draws a bridge between past and future; here, new technologies are at the service of information: Cristiana Aresti – director of the library, intends to describe this Institute of the Ministry of Culture in this way, supported by Simona Perugia – promotion assistant, who will present texts and volumes in which history has passed, first to lead the group of fellow journalists to the “door” connecting the majesty of the Monumental Hall and the entrance to the admirable spaces of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies. The program of 26 June includes institutional greetings from Paola Passarelli (General Director of Libraries and Copyright of the MiC); Guido D’Ubaldo (President of the Lazio agenda); Cristiana Aresti (Director of the Casanatense Library). Speakers will be: Gianni Maritati (TG1), Paolo Conti (Corriere della sera), Cesare Biasini Selvaggi (Exibart). Speakers: Carlo Alberto Bucci (La Repubblica); Davide Vecchi (Dire Agency). Moderation and coordinator: Lorenza Fruci (Il Mattino). Followed by a guided tour of the spaces of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies. Introduced by Simona Perugia (promotion assistant for the Casanatense Library).

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