Italy 24 Press News

The Senators of the Brothers of Italy respond bluntly to de Pascale: “when will he stop speculating on the flood?”

“We thank the Mayor of Ravenna for the letter he sent to all the senators and to which, out of institutional courtesy, we are giving an adequate response. Mr. Mayor, when will you stop speculating about the flood? Your run for the Presidency of the Region should not prevail over the truth: the Government has allocated all the necessary resources for local authorities, resources that you have not yet used. With what face does he still talk about floods given that his and his party’s inability to manage the territory are among the main causes of such significant damage? Why, unlike the Government which allocated funds for movable assets, did the left not provide them for the earthquake? For you and the left, are the furniture of earthquake victims worth less than that of flood victims? The facts are that the centre-right government made 5,000 euros available immediately after the disaster and another 6,000 for movable assets, but you don’t. Given the total inability of the Democratic Party in managing the territory, we offer the free availability of our lawyers to citizens who sue the Region and the Province of Ravenna.” Thus the Fratelli d’Italia senators Marco Lisei, Alberto Balboni, Michele Barcaiuolo, Domenica Spinelli and Marta Farolfi respond to Michele de Pascale’s letter on reimbursements to flood victims. The mayor and president of the province of Ravenna asked the senators to modify the 6,000 euro proposal put forward by the government and to increase the reimbursements for movable property to 30,000 euros.

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