Italy 24 Press News

72 deaths since the beginning of the year (and increasingly younger victims). Confarca’s report

A decidedly negative record: they have already been registered in Rome since the beginning of the year 72 road victimsas he stated Paolo Colangelo, president of Confarca (Italian confederation representing over 2,400 driving schools and consultancy firms). Road prevention and education, especially among younger people, is fundamental, since “the latest victims are all in their twenties” declared the President.

Manila De Luca, who was the 24 year old who was hit on a scooter in Rome. Witnesses: «The car ran a red light»

Words that also come after the last two fatal accidents that occurred in the streets of the capital: only yesterday a young 24-year-old woman, Manila De Luca, lost her life. The accident occurred in via Tor Bella Monaca, and the young woman was hit on her scooter by a car driven by a 22-year-old who did not stop at the red light.

The data: the victims are increasingly younger

Manila De Luca lived in a difficult neighborhood, but the girl had always been committed to finding her own path. A future that has however been torn away from her. And two days before her accident, on Via Cristoforo Colombo, a 26-year-old motorcyclist who lost his life was involved in a head-on accident with another centaur, then hit by a car driven by a 21-year-old girl. Truly disarming numbers that warn of a fundamental fact: the latest accidents involve increasingly young people.

As Colangelo reports «Often in this type of accident there are serious drivers’ responsibilities or imprudence. If we don’t start from prevention, sanctions alone will be useless. The city of Rome, according to Asaps data, has a number of victims per one hundred thousand inhabitants which is double or triple compared to other European capitals, and most of the time these accidents occur due to disregard for the rules. We need to invest in a new road safety culture. The latest victims are all in their twenties, so it is necessary to stop this negative record with prevention and road safety education among younger people” concluded the President of Confarca.


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