Italy 24 Press News

Come on, it’s nothing done. The League asks for three places and the negotiation stalls: a new meeting is needed

Gray smoke after the first meeting between the coalition forces that support the mayor Gian Luca Zattini to try to compose the next council. Two representatives from each party were present at yesterday morning’s meeting. Clarifying the terms of the ‘non-agreement’ is the secretary of the League for Romagna, Jacopo Morrone, who in recent days had already anticipated the request of the party which, five years ago, drove the centre-right group to assert itself in Forlì, bringing further 24% of the votes: “The confirmation of the two councilors of the League, but, in general, of the entire outgoing council”. The two councilors of the League, who the secretary would like to see confirmed, are Daniele Mezzacapo and Andrea Cintorino. Both won preferences, 459 for him, 457 for her.

A position that clashes with the result of these administrative elections, with the League confirming a third of the votes taken in 2019, stopping just above 8%, being overtaken both by Fratelli d’Italia which exceeds 19%, and by the Civica , which stands at over 14%, while Forza Italia, with 7.9%, brings the same number of councilors as the League to the city council: 3.

Results that would lead to a different council alchemy: two councilors for Fratelli d’Italia and Civica, in this case the most voted would certainly be the ones, Vincenzo Bongiorno and Paola Casara, with the former also becoming deputy mayor; a councilor for Lega and Forza Italia, while the prime minister would be headed by FdI. The other three councilors, to reach a council of nine, would be indicated directly by the mayor.

“The meeting was calm – adds Morrone – but everyone remained on their positions. We will meet again this week to find the best solution”. A negotiation block that also inhibits other considerations.

Sure at the moment they would be: Bongiorno for FdI, which would then indicate a woman, Casara for Civica, which would then almost certainly propose Kevin Bravi; for Forza Italia there are two names to choose from, both male, the former councilor Giuseppe Petetta or Alberto Gentili, who received the highest number of preferences on the list. This would bring us to three men and two women. The mayor would confirm Vittorio Cicognani, who has been very loyal to him since the Meldola councils.

At this point, if the League indicated Mezzacapo, the male council positions would all be occupied and the mayor would necessarily have to indicate two women; if the choice fell on Cintorino, Zattini would have more freedom of maneuver by also being able to indicate a man. With this last hypothesis, the outgoing culture councilor, Valerio Melandri, who is expected to meet the mayor this week, could still be back in the picture. All hypotheses however, at least until we move beyond the situation in which the League resists its requests to see both councilors confirmed.

To try to overcome the impasse, an attempt was made to propose that the Carroccio not only have a councillor, but also the president of the city council: a hypothesis, however, which the parties do not agree with, who would ask for another councilor each, so much so that Morrone’s counter-proposal would have been to eliminate or, at least, reduce the number of councilors indicated by the mayor for the benefit of the parties. It was thus decided to adjourn the meeting to the next few days, within the week, but the date has not yet been set.

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