Italy 24 Press News

Italian Stock Exchange strike, Esposito (Fisac ​​Cgil): institutional intervention is urgent – Economy and Finance

(Teleborsa) – “Lo strikethe first in the history of the Group, in Italian stock exchange wants to be a cry of alarm. We are witnessing a progressive process of disinvestment from Italy by the Group Euronext. A systemic infrastructure, that of the Borsa Italiana Group, at great risk, with dangerous consequences on the stability of the entire country system, as well as on the employment and professional one of the workers involved”. general secretary of Fisac ​​CGIL, Susy Espositoregarding the strike called for 27 June by the Borsa Italiana Group.

“AND institutional intervention is urgent to safeguard a reality of strategic interest for the country”, underlines Esposito.

“The mobilization that we have jointly implemented – adds the union leader – must find an equally strong response from the entire system. As a country, we cannot allow ourselves to have a reality like that of Gruppo Borsa Italiana, due to the role and function that holds for the economy, for the stability of the markets, as well as for our debt, is effectively canceled by Euronext through corporate operations outside national borders, of lack of guarantees of employment and professional stabilitynon-application of the credit contract and poor work organization”.

“But above all we as a country cannot afford for him to come the decision-making and strategic autonomy of the Group’s Italian companies was undermined Italian Stock Exchange – highlights Esposito – For these reasons we maintain that an institutional intervention is urgent, from Parliament to the Government, given the general scope of the dispute”.

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