Italy 24 Press News

“Thanks to those who convinced us to donate their organs”

The letter from Giacomo’s father sent to the Policlinico Umberto I to thank the doctors for convincing him and his wife to donate their son’s organs: “In a moment of extreme pain they allowed us to decide and choose with awareness and to let the life over the senseless death of our son.”

The doctors’ help “allowed us to decide and choose with awareness and to let life prevail over the senseless death of our son”. So he writes in a long letter sent to Umberto I Polyclinic the father of James, a 6-year-old boy who died on March 2, 2024. The child’s parent wanted to thank the health workers from the Coordination of Donations, Organ Harvesting and Transplants, who convinced him and his wife to donate their son’s organs. And so they gave a new hope of life to many children waiting for a transplant.

That evening, Giacomo’s father writes in the long letter sent to the Roman hospital, “we would never have thought that our son was so serious when, in the car, in traffic, we headed towards the Pediatric Emergency Department of the Umberto I Hospital. We did it with the certainty of finding the best professionalism available in Rome and from the first approach to the Pediatric Emergency Room, we understood that we had made the right choice. In the drama of those hours we found a lot of humanity in all the staff who assisted little Giacomo. Starting, in fact, from the pediatric emergency room where the diagnosis was immediately formulated and following in the pediatric intensive care unit directed by Dr. Paola Papoff, and where Dr. Giada Nardecchia and all the nursing staff assisted our son. Giacomo until the last moment of his life”.

Unfortunately, Giacomo didn’t make it. “I think you can imagine the immense pain of us parents for the enormous tragedy that struck us so suddenly. The only comfort in such desperation was precisely the humanity of those staff who welcomed us with tears in their eyes because precisely Giacomo had deluded everyone that he could do it, and had, I dare say, at the same time won over with his sweetness and friendliness, for the little he was able to interact with doctors and nurses, all those who knew him”.

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Doctor Gustavo Spadetta, we read further, “with his polite manners, extreme tact and availability, took us by the hand in that desperate situation and offered us the possibility of organ donation. We will never stop thank him, because without the gesture of the donation I believe we would not have been able to even try to overcome this tragedy as we are facing it now. The team directed by Dr Spadetta provided us with all the information in a moment of extreme pain which allowed us to decide and choose with awareness and to let life prevail over the senseless death of our son.”

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