Italy 24 Press News

Dia-Lazio, reopening: the Biancocelesti accelerate – Salernitana News

There Lazio falls back on Boulaye Dia. The assist comes from the Senegalese. As reported SkySports, the trail leading to the attacker has reopened in the last few hours, with the player’s willingness to move to Rome. The Biancoceleste club, which has already closed due to the arrival of Tchaouna, now also wants to focus heavily on Dia to give Baroni an offensive reinforcement to add to Immobile and Castellanos; the names of Noslin from Verona and Stengs from Feyenoord are also strong.

Dia could soon resolve his problems with Salernitana. In two days there is a new hearing at the Arbitration Panel in the context of the dispute between the parties. The Granata club is talking to the player’s agent to find a solution to the impasse. Lazio have been following Dia for some time, but the player was waiting for a call from the Premier League which, apparently, did not arrive. Lotito’s club could sink by offering, overall, 12-13 million; to understand the formula which could also be a loan with obligation to repay. Salernitana, for its part, would like to collect 15 million, also having to pay Villarreal 20% of the resale of the striker. Dia could also give up some rights, just to pack his bags, and say yes to Lazio.

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