Italy 24 Press News

General Claudio Graziano found dead

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General Claudio Graziano found dead

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General Claudio Graziano found dead

The soldier and president of Fincantieri had recently lost his wife. Suicide is not ruled out. Meloni «shocked».

General Claudio Graziano found dead

The soldier and president of Fincantieri had recently lost his wife. Suicide is not ruled out. Meloni «shocked».

ROME – General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri, has died.

This was announced by the Ansa agency. Born in Turin in 1953, Graziano had recently lost his wife. This morning the soldier was found lifeless in his apartment by a policeman from the escort, in the historic center of Rome; among the hypotheses on the causes, that of suicide cannot be excluded. The coroner, the police and the magistrate on duty are on site. According to Italian media, a note and a gun were found next to the body of the high-ranking officer.

Former chief of defense staff and president of the EU military committee, Graziano had been appointed president of Fincantieri in 2022, therefore also called upon to hold a civilian role. The news of his death caused the stock to plummet on the stock market, below 5 euros and down by more than 3 percent.

In recent years, the general had also supported Ukraine’s right to defense, as well as supporting the opportunity to set up a European army. High-level commitments and missions at an international level had not prevented the officer from cultivating a passion for the mountains and skiing. Today the tragic end, the former chief of staff of the Italian Defense was 70 years old.

«The passing of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless – Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani tweeted late this morning – He was a friend and was an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy even in his European roles. May a prayer accompany him on the journey to reach his bride.”

And Giorgia Meloni said she was “shocked” in a note released by Palazzo Chigi. “He leaves us – continues the message also posted on

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