Italy 24 Press News

Convincing debut at the European Championship. Calafiori, great performance in blue. And now his price is rising. Bologna doesn’t give up, Juve slows down

On Saturday night, the commentators on German public television, in judging his brilliant performance, had no scruple in abounding in ‘wunderbar’ (translation: wonderful, splendid), which is the expression of natural dismay at the fact that Riccardo Calafiori was playing his third match in the senior national team with the naturalness and confidence of a veteran.

After that, at twenty-two years of age, security for once leads to self-assurance. It happened in the 90th minute, when on an easily readable pass from Asllani, the rossoblù central defender was surprised by Manaj’s acceleration, to which only a prodigy from Donnarumma denied the 2-2 goal.

“At this level you can’t make mistakes – admitted Calafiori after the match –. But it won’t happen again.”

If anything, it is legitimate to ask what will happen in terms of the future. Specifically: how do the market prospects change (assuming what market it is, after the wall raised by Casteldebole) now that the eyes of the European Championship have turned on him?

They change a lot, and in a direction that can only favor Bologna, who yesterday immortalized Calafiori on their social networks by associating him with a significant ‘Proud’, a manifesto of Casteldebole’s pride. Calafiori certainly coming into the limelight at Euro 2024 is certainly not good news for Juve, who up to now have made no secret of wanting to recreate the Motta-Calafiori pairing at Continassa. A Calafiori confirming himself at excellent levels in the Azzurri’s next matches would cause his prices to rise, triggering a potential auction among his suitors: in addition to Juve, there is talk of Arsenal, Bayer Leverkusen and Atletico Madrid. But for there to be an auction, the owner of the property must decide to put it up for sale, something Casteldebole has so far denied.

If in doubt, how much is Calafiori worth today? Juve hoped to bring him home for 30 million, for Bologna the boy is worth no less than 40-50, but the potential ‘European Championship effect’ could further raise his valuation. In doubt, Juve is exploring a plan B which brings either the Polish Kiwior, today at Arsenal, yesterday the starter in the Netherlands-Poland and launched by Motta at Spezia, or the Brazilian Wendell, 30 years old, left back who has been playing in the Port.

In all of this, Calafiori’s will and his path to the European Championship will count a lot. On Saturday with Albania Riccardo played 117 balls, winning 6 out of 9 duels, with 3 interceptions and 5 possessions gained (Opta data).

But on Thursday there is the very strict Spain exam and distractions like the one on Manaj will not be allowed.

In the meantime, EuroBologna continues to gain approval. “Bolognese-style Switzerland” was the headline in a newspaper yesterday to underline the driving effect on the Swiss national team of the rossoblù trio Aebischer-Freuler-Ndoye.

Then yesterday, Urbanski started 55 minutes in Holland’s 2-1 victory over Poland. Kacper held the pitch well: good vision of the game, some lunges and an offensive incisiveness that needs to be improved. But at nineteen there is time.

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