Italy 24 Press News

Roman Holiday 70 years later, a little gem with memorable scenes

Source : liberoquotidiano of 16 June 2024

Directed by William Wyler Duration: 2 hours THE PLOT A princess visiting Rome, fed up with the ceremonial to which she is obliged, escapes from the hotel one night and plunges into the Roman night.

Roman Holidays, 70 years later, a little gem with memorable scenes (Sunday 16 June 2024)
Vacation Roman Twenty seven at 9.15pm with Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert. Directed by William Wyler. USA production 1953. Duration: 2 hours THE PLOT A princess visiting Rome, fed up with the ceremonial to which she is forced, one night she runs away from the hotel and plunges into the Roman night. Wandering around the city, she meets an American journalist who pretends not to recognize her and looks for the sensational shot (the girl’s disappearance is the news of the day). They fall in love naturally. He will give up the scoop and also sadly the impossible love. WHY SEE IT Because after 70 years remains a little gem full of scenes memorable (among all that of the Vespa raid that launched the vehicle on a global scale).Read the whole news on liberoquotidiano

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