Italy 24 Press News

The community of Arcevia in shock over the death of Davide Paolini

The boy – 24 years old – crashed his motorbike in the Cave area late on Saturday afternoon


ARCEVIA – Another very serious loss in Arcevia. He is twenty-four year old Davide Paolini, the victim of the dramatic off-road vehicle which occurred late on Saturday afternoon on the outskirts of the town.
The accident occurred in the hamlet of Santa Croce. The boy, born in Senigallia but resident in Arcevia, suddenly lost control of the motorbike he was riding and first ended up against the side guardrail and then off the road.
The injuries sustained were very serious and every attempt at rescue by the medics, who promptly intervened on the spot after the alarm raised by some passing motorists, was in vain.

“Davide loved life and was a great boy,” Davide’s uncle said.

The Arcevia carabinieri intervened on site to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident, although it would appear that Davide did everything alone and other vehicles were not involved.

This morning, many people arrived at the site of the tragedy. And Davide’s friends also arrived and placed a bouquet of flowers right on the spot where the boy violently hit.

Davide worked as an employee at the Loccioni group in Rosora, while his father is a well-known person, as a brigadier of the forestry carabinieri, in Sassoferrato.


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