Italy 24 Press News

The emergency room of the Polyclinic in Catania has reopened, having been closed after a gas leak – BlogSicilia

The emergency room of the Rodolico hospital in via Santa Sofia has resumed its usual activity after the brief interruption in the afternoon”. This was communicated by the general director of the university hospital Policlinico “G. Rodolico – San Marco”, Gaetano Sirna, who throughout the afternoon remained in constant contact with the president of the Region Renato Schifani, with the councilor for Health Giovanna Volo and with the director of Strategic Planning of the department Salvatore Iacolino, to whom reported every step of the procedure to restore and make safe the plant that suffered a fuel leak.

The emergency health service therefore returned to full capacity after the resolution of the problem and the safety of the structures and patients. “The crisis management system – the health management always states – worked excellently, allowing the emergency to be overcome in just three hours.

More checks this morning

This morning, in the “Rodolico” hospital in Via Santa Sofia, further and scrupulous checks were carried out with the Fire Brigade and the company technical team which confirmed the full overcoming of the critical issues encountered yesterday and the consequent total operation of the Emergency Department which reopened in the evening .

The perfect organization of the Polyclinic staff, the prompt intervention of the NBCR (Nuclear Biological, Chemical and Radiological) unit of the Catania Fire Brigade, together with the active collaboration of the Police and civil protection, had in fact allowed the reopening of the emergency structure – urgency in a very short time.

Furthermore, the availability of the other hospitals in the province, in particular the Acireale hospital, the Cannizzaro Hospital and the Arnas Garibaldi hospital was fundamental, as well as the other hospital of the AOUP, the San Marco di Librino. who welcomed some patients through the transfer of the rescue service coordinated by 118. In this way, the continuation of healthcare was guaranteed to all patients who were immediately made safe.

The intervention of the firefighters

Yesterday the firefighters of the Provincial Command of Catania intervened due to a large spill of diesel from a generator in the premises of the Catania polyclinic, in via Santa Sofia. The causes of the spill are under investigation.

The persistent vapors of the combustible product had invaded the upper departments of the hospital, including the emergency room, and their partial evacuation had thus become necessary until safety conditions were restored.

A team of firefighters sent from the Headquarters were on site together with personnel specialized in interventions on NBCR (Nuclear Biological Chemical Radiological) scenarios, in addition to the official on guard duty.

The Fire Brigade made the departments and technical rooms affected by the spill safe and gave the necessary assistance to the hospital staff to restore the usability of the places. Their timely intervention therefore avoided worse problems for the structure and above all for the patients.

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