Italy 24 Press News

It’s the day of truth. Zenith plays D

The moment of truth has arrived. This afternoon at 4pm Zenith Prato will be guests on the Castelfidardo pitch to play the return match of the final of the national stages of the Eccellenza play-offs. We start from the 2-1 obtained by the bluamaranto last Sunday at Lungobisenzio. Whoever wins the double match will have direct access to the next Serie D championship. The Via del Purgatorio club is one step away from fulfilling a dream, after years of hard work in all youth categories and with the first team. But in order to celebrate, we must first overcome the Marche team, who have already proven to be more than difficult opponents in the first leg match. The goal conceded at the end forces Zenith Prato to avoid losing 1-0, the only defeat which already at the end of the 90 minutes of regulation would decree the end of the dream for the Prato team. For the Settesoldi boys, in addition to obviously any victory, any draw is also fine and even a defeat with more than one goal scored. In case of 2-1 in favor of Castelfidardo, we would proceed with two extra times and then with possible penalties, if the result does not change.

“We don’t have to do too many calculations. We have to go on the pitch to play our game, aware of the value of the opponent, but also of our strength and our abilities – comments the vice president of the bluamaranto, Enrico Cammelli –. We had some low temperatures in week, but fortunately we will have all the staff available. It would be a deserved award for these guys, who have been working with sacrifice and passion since last August 7th towards this goal.”

The Zenith Prato players are all available for this delicate away match. Compared to the first match, Ciravegna will return, who should still start from the bench, and the suspended Cela, who will instead resume his place at the center of defense.

“I want to get on the pitch to play the game with courage and determination. We don’t have the ability to manage matches in our DNA, we are not a team that can make too many calculations and it would be risky to drag the 0-0 draw until the last minutes – comments Simone Settesoldi, coach of Zenith Prato – Two very similar teams face each other, better at offering play than closing in on defense. But I am convinced that we will be able to have our say. The boys are ready and determined and want this victory.”


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