Italy 24 Press News

Online child pornography network, nine arrests by the Post Office. Three searches and an arrest in Liguria

Twenty-six people under investigation, thousands of files seized. It all started with the seizure of the devices from a man, already accused of the same crime. By “reading” the contents, the Postal Police opened Pandora’s box, identifying a platform on which the subjects exchanged gruesome files. One even had a “manual” on the cloud, a guide to practicing abuse

Nine arrests in flagrante delicto, twenty-six suspects, searches throughout Italy carried out by the operational centers for cyber security of the Postal Police, including those of Genoa and Imperia. These are the results of the operation coordinated by the Catania District Attorney’s Office and conducted by the Cyber ​​Security Operations Center of the Catania Postal Police with colleagues from across the territory.

On the platform, pedophiles exchanged images and videos of abuse even on very young children. The investigations continue and the aim is to identify the victims to protect them from any further abuse.

One of the arrests was carried out in the province of Imperia while in Genoa there were two other searches.

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