Italy 24 Press News

Torino Pride 2024, the route, the guests and the homophobic stickers placed along the route

OfSofia Francioni

We start at 4.30pm. Controversy over the anti-Israeli tone of the political document. Right-wing activists scatter stickers against the march. Extinction Rebellion colors the stripes in front of the Region rainbow

Screaming «Of love and struggle» the LGBTQ+ pride procession will parade today in the shadow of the Mole, even in case of rain. Between political claimsthe request «addressed to the mayors of the territory to start or resume the registry registrations and transcriptions of the children of same-parent couples, even with acts of civil disobedience, pending a law and considering the suspension by the the municipality of Turin and in almost all of Italy.”

At the Piemonte regionwhich again this year the coordination did not ask for patronage «for the policies it pursues and the flag it represents», the Turin Pride requests «the repeal of the regional «Nascent Life Fund», aimed at financing bodies and associations anti-abortion groups within the clinics” and “the strengthening of the multidisciplinary Center for Sexual Health, improving its reception protocols, in particular towards trans people”.

I am at least 19 associations join the Turin coordination and who will take part in the procession today. Trade union wagons, among others, are also expected CGIL, Cisl And Uil. However, five patronages were collected, including: City of Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, University, Polytechnic and Albertina Academy.

Today the rainbow procession meets at 4.30 pm in Corso Principe Eugenio to cross Corso San Martino, Via Cernaia, Via Pietro Micca, Piazza Castello, Viale I° Maggio, Viale dei Partigiani, Corso San Maurizio, along Po Luigi Cadorna and arrive in Piazza Vittorio, where the stage will be set up. Among the planned interventions, also that of the singer-songwriter and special guest of the eventMichele Bravi.

After the parade the Official Pride Party will start from 8.30pm all night long at Club switchboardclose to Valentino Park.

This year Turin aims to host theEuro Pride 2027. Next November 2, in Porto, the Piedmontese capital will have to challenge the «competition of the Spanish city of Torremolinos (Spain), the English city of Gloucestershire and the Lithuanian city of Vilnius. «A project in which the administration has invested resources and provided the maximum possible support» declared the councilor for Equal Opportunities, Jacopo Rosatelli and “which also received the contribution of the Region”, confirm the activists.

«Of love and struggle is the claim we have chosen: love is a way to recognize all types of bonds, fighting is a tool because we don’t ask for rights in a whisper”, explains the coordinator of Turin Pride, Luca Miniciwho does not forget the words of Pope Francis: «There is a lot of fagotism among us and it doesn’t disturb us in any way».

The controversies

«For the first time in 25 years» theAdelaide Aglietta association will not take part in the rainbow parade, nor will the queer Jewish organization Keshet Italia. After the attack from the stageduring the presentation of the event at Polo of the twentieth century, by two activists against the councilor Silvio Viale, investigated for having molested some patients as a gynecologist, the radical association defectes. Formally, because “Pride’s political document is unsustainable”, explained the coordinator Lorenzo Cabulliese«seems like the manifesto of a left-wing party», since it enters into the conflict with the request for a «ceasefire on Gaza» and a condemnation «of the illicit occupation which, since the first settlements, Israel has carried out in Palestinian territories”.

A position that both associations did not appreciate, defining the gesture as «worrying. Above all, Israelis no longer feel safe: Turin Pride should be inclusive, when in reality it is turning into an increasingly exclusionary event” concluded Cabulliese. Controversy rekindled, in the Red Room, by PD councilor Angelo Catanzaro, who during the parade hoped for “a firm condemnation of Hamas, as occurred in the political document regarding Israel”.

Turin Pride 2024 stickers against the procession on the route

“The only pride is national pride.” So say the stickers applied during the night along the Torino Pride route in the Piedmontese capital.
On the stickers, signed by the far-right identity group The Barrierthere is an Italian flag and a rainbow one covered by an X. A few days ago the same acronym signed a banner appeared near the Provana submarine to the Valentino Park.

Rainbow pedestrian crossing

On the day of the Turin Pride and on the last day of the G7, however, the activists of Extinction Rebellion on Saturday morning they painted the pedestrian crossing in front of the with the colors of the rainbow flag skyscraper of the Piedmont Region, in via Nizza, in Turin. A black writing reads: «Climate and rights, same revolt», and on a sign it reads «They trample on rights, while the world burns». The colored stripes were cleaned up shortly afterwards by the Region’s staff.

«There are countless scientific reports that show how as this crisis and all social crises advance, the forms of discrimination that many communities already experience today will be drastically accentuated», explains Martina of Extinction. Several candidates for the European elections, the activists still denounce, «have also signed the manifesto of values ​​of the ProVita and Famiglia associations, which commit the newly elected to `counter the ideology of gender´ and `defend families from the green ideology´. The real ideology is that of those who have chosen to invest massively in fossil gas when the scientific community has been asking for thirty years to abandon all fossil fuels by 2030.”

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