Italy 24 Press News

the USB Liguria Road Transport Coordination is carefully following the Congestion FEE dispute, ready to launch the mobilization in defense of workers

The USB Liguria Road Transport Coordination is following the dispute carefully CONGESTION FEE that the Road Freight Road Transport Associations carry out towards transport clients from the port of Genoa in terms of extra costs for malfunctions in the loading and unloading of goods.

In this dispute it is right to take sides against the “masters of steam” who have been using road freight transport for time immemorial to unload all the contradictions in the supply chain. Access to the “port system” represents a crucial junction where all the contradictions of an inefficient machine come to light. There are certainly many problems, the causes are many, above all due to economic choice, for example the unloading and loading of containers from ships is favoured, the docks are kept clear with high prices, containers unloaded from ships, especially MSC in medium-small terminals they are collected in the following two/three days and this causes congestion in these terminals. Road haulage has been showing these critical issues for some time, without realizing any results. The divisions between small companies and large fleets, the blackmail that hauliers suffer, the economic weakness of the sector play into the hands of big capital, terminal operators and companies. There CONGESTION FEE is not the solution to the problem, but it represents a fair deterrent to maintaining this state of affairs, with the attempt to block the increases, the aim is to maintain the privileges of those who operate without taking care of the efficiency of their actions, defending a deliberately inefficient system, just think of the savings of the terminal operators who skimp on work teams while keeping the plants under full operation in the peak hours. The request for an increase is not responded to in a virtuous way by solving the problems, which have always been the same for years, everyone does for themselves in their own backyard, maximizing profits.

The heat is coming, the waits will become even more unnerving and tiring, the queues at the terminals will become long and once again living conditions will worsen. With the heat, so does tourism and we can already see the congestion of cars and vehicles at the Ferry Terminal

As usual, the silence on the working conditions of drivers is total, which is why the USB Liguria Road Transport coordination is ready to launch a mobilization to defend road transport conditions.

USB Liguria Road Transport Coordination


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