Italy 24 Press News

Ilaria Salis returns to Italy in time to celebrate her 40th birthday. Bonelli and Fratoianni: “We’re waiting for you”

Ilaria Salis can now return to Italy and will most likely do so by Monday 17 June, her 40th birthday. Her family had bought her tickets to join her to celebrate in Budapest but now she Salis will be able to celebrate it in Italy.

“Finally! We are happy with the news that comes from Budapest, MEP Ilaria Salis can now return to Italy and will be able to carry out her new role for which hundreds of thousands of voters have indicated her. Our thanks go to everyone and all those who, like us, have been outraged in recent months and have not resigned themselves to the terrible condition in which she was held in Orban’s prisons. Now you will be able to defend the civil and social rights of the weakest together with us. We are waiting for you.” Thus in a note the deputies of the Verdi and Sinistra Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni.

Lawyer Gyorgy Magyar, who supports Ilaria Salis’ defense, told Ansa that, according to his information, the Italian embassy in Budapest has already prepared the documents for the Avs MEP’s trip to Italy.
Magyar explained that Salis has been free since this morning, as the judge of the Municipal Court, Jozsef Sos, accepting
the defense’s request, suspended the criminal trial against him and ordered his release. First, the lawyer said, the judge received official information from the Hungarian Foreign Ministry about the election of Ilaria Salis to the European Parliament. The Hungarian ministry was informed, in turn, by the Italian Foreign Ministry. Lawyer Magyar is convinced that the Hungarian judicial authority will ask the newly elected European Parliament for authorization to proceed against the MEP, removing the immunity triggered by the election, in order to be able to continue the proceedings which are currently suspended.

Stefania Losito

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