Italy 24 Press News

Throw waste among the flood waste. Fined, he will now have to remove them

Montemurlo (Prato), 15 June 2024 – He wanted to take advantage of the flood to do cleaning inside a warehouse which he had recently purchased in via Puccini in Oste but did not deal with the municipal police officers Montemurlo who immediately noticed the offense and alerted Arpat’s colleagues. The man, resident in Prato, in November during the days of the flood, when entire families and entrepreneurs were shoveling water and mud to free businesses and homes, had seen fit to clear the shed of used clothes and shoes and textile waste, residues of previous activity carried out in the property. With the material he had filled the company yard and the sidewalk with piles of bales for over 300 cubic meters of waste. The man was probably counting on Alia’s intervention, which would have freed him from a big problem. But that’s not what happened to her. For the man from Prato, who had bought the warehouse at an auction following the bankruptcy of the previous company that dealt with waste disposal, criminal proceedings for environmental offenses began with Arpat’s order to remove all the material by July and then clean the area. The man will also have to pay a financial penalty. After many months of inconvenience for the citizens and entrepreneurs of the area, the matter now seems close to a conclusion.

The owner of the warehouse, in fact, has undertaken to remove all waste by June through the hiring of a company specialized in the treatment and disposal of special waste. A stunt that will cost him much more than if he had behaved correctly.

Mayor Simone Calamai congratulated the officers of the Montemurlo municipal police command and Arpat.

“Those of the floods were terrible and very tiring days for everyone, but our municipal police never lowered their guard in the face of crimes and thus prevented anyone from taking advantage of the situation for personal gain – said the mayor – A synergistic work that saw our officers collaborate with Arpat and the other police forces”. The commander of the municipal police of Montemurlo, Enrica Cappelli, also underlines the commitment of the municipal police to enforcing the rules.

In Montemurlo, after the flooding of 2 November, over 4 thousand tons of flooded waste and household goods were collected, from furniture to household appliances that ended up under water, to machinery, yarn, samples and cloths. An enormous quantity of waste which is equivalent to 25% of Montemurlo’s annual production.

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