Italy 24 Press News

Policeman dies in motorbike accident, collision with car. He leaves behind two children

Massa, 14 June 2024 – Mourning in Carrara for the death of a policeman, Alessandro Giandomenici, 53 years old. The man had an accident in Massa, while he was heading towards Carrara.

He was riding his motorbike when he fell after the collision with a car. The municipal police officers will now be the ones to reconstruct the dynamics. The impact was fatal and any attempt at resuscitation was useless.

Giandomenici in a photo posted by the group of motorcycle enthusiasts “Apuania Bikers”

It happened in the afternoon of Thursday 13 June. Help was immediately called by motorists and passers-by. For Giandomenici there was nothing that could be done. Giandomenici leaves behind his partner Sabrina and two children.

Deep condolences around the world of the police for the disappearance of the agent. A great motorbike enthusiast, many bikers mourn him. Those with whom he organized excursions and evenings riding the two wheels. “You left us waiting for youwith an “arrival” that we have read a thousand times and we will never stop doing so – we read on the Apuana Bikers Facebook page – You were special and none of us, EVER, will be able to forget you….”.

Giandomenici he had recently returned from a trip to Normandy, where he had participated in the D-Day commemorations, which took place in the days around to June 6th. A tour of the landing sites that he had done together with his son. Carefree days that preceded the tragic accident.

It was 7pm when the collision occurred, which later proved fatal for the policeman. He had just told his motorcyclist friends “I’m coming”. In fact, he had to meet with them. Then the accident.

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