Italy 24 Press News

Two politicians threatened with death on social media, Carabinieri Gioia Tauro report the alleged perpetrator

Gioia Tauro (Reggio Calabria) – “The revolutionary army has promulgated a definitive death sentence”. Thus began the threatening comment, later deleted, aimed at two politicians, one of whom was already a member of parliament. In the last months of last year, some decidedly worrying comments appeared in some videos on the “Youtube” platform towards the two politicians who, worried about their own safety, had turned to the Carabinieri. The soldiers of the Gioia Tauro station immediately took action to identify the possible perpetrators, hidden behind ambiguous nickname visible from the social platform, which also featured the acronym “KGB” in the name.

We know where you live, what you eat, what time you took the train”, “the death sentence will be carried out by the proletarian firing squad”, was the tenor of some comments which, after a short while, were immediately removed by the authors, evidently slower than the Carabinieri who immediately identified them. In some comments, the signature “ was added to the threats presentBR – PCC“, or that of the “NBR” (New Red Brigades). The fact that specific places were mentioned where the victims actually lived or had temporarily passed through led the investigators not to underestimate the content of the messages, immediately activating every investigative lead. The subsequent investigations made it deemed appropriate to involve the Special Operational Group of the Carabinieri, which conducted all the necessary investigations, thanks to the very high specialization of its staff. With the help of these specialists, it was possible to unequivocally identify the person behind the threatening comments. Fortunately, the investigations carried out allowed us to exclude, with reasonable certainty, any connection with subversive environments, considering the gesture as an initiative of a single individual, Italian, resident in Trentino-Alto Adige.


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