Arera, ‘gas prices vulnerable +3.8% compared to May’

Arera, ‘gas prices vulnerable +3.8% compared to May’
Arera, ‘gas prices vulnerable +3.8% compared to May’

The Editorial Staff Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 4:29 PM

(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 2 – Arera communicates the value of the raw material of the “Vulnerability protection service” for June 2024 which increases by 3.8% compared to May. The component of the gas price to cover supply costs, applied to customers in the vulnerability protection service, – explains the authority – is updated by Arera as a monthly average of the price on the Italian wholesale market and published within the first 2 working days of the month following the reference month. For the month of June, which saw wholesale prices increase compared to those recorded in May, the price of the gas raw material alone, for customers in the vulnerability protection service, is equal to 36.11 euros per MWh. It is recalled that starting from January 2024, the gas protection service has been replaced by the vulnerability protection service, intended only for vulnerable domestic customers. Therefore, from January 2024, the Authority, with the same timing and methods as in previous months, publishes on the website the component of the gas price to cover the supply costs applied to customers of the vulnerability protection service. Therefore, for the month of June 2024, the reference price of gas for the new typical customer is equal to 107.55 euro cents per cubic meter (+3.8% on May). (ANSA).

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