Italy 24 Press News

“We work on a broad coalition, on Orlando confrontation with the allies” –

The ‘scissors’ that is narrowing on a national scale, a substantial draw within the Ligurian borders and a newfound strength in view of the race for the regional elections. The Democratic party emerges reinvigorated from the European elections and can boast the only Ligurian elected out of 19 in the running: Brando Benifei. Only one made it, he wears the ‘dem’ jacket and in his region he took home almost 30 thousand preferences.

A result that deserves in-depth analysis, in light of the latest judicial developments involving President Giovanni Toti and, above all, in view of the race that will lead to giving a new government to Liguria. At the moment it is not yet clear whether there will be early elections or not, but it is certain that the coalitions are already working on the round which will necessarily be conditioned by the aftermath of the investigation that left Toti under house arrest on charges of corruption and forgery.

We talked about it with the person directly involved, Brando Benifei, now a veteran of the European Parliament, ready for his third legislature in Brussels.

Let’s start with an analysis of the vote, did you expect such a narrow gap from Fratelli d’Italia? And, above all, did you expect a substantial draw in Liguria?
This result clearly says that whoever governs us in Liguria today has lost the majority of the Ligurians’ consensus and I think that our statement is significant. It shows us the possibility that there is an alternative led by the PD, we absolutely must persevere in building a project quickly. I hope that we will vote in Liguria as soon as possible, this vote is a sign of the impossibility of moving forward without a majority of consensus, a council in these conditions is unsustainable from the point of view of the interests of our region. Who could invest in a Liguria governed like this? The feeling is that the majority is trying to hold back

But there is still something to do in Ponente, in the provinces of Savona and Imperia Fratelli d’Italia is strong and is far ahead of you…
There is no doubt. The work we have started can lead to strengthening consensus also on the part of civic worlds that in the past have focused on the center-right and today realize that we are a region that on the fronts of work, health and services has only taken steps backwards and not forwards

You are the only Ligurian elected, with what spirit do you begin your third mandate in Brussels?
I want to put my long experience at the service of our region, its interests, use the knowledge of European funds and opportunities for our citizens. I have a newsletter that already reaches thousands of people, it is a very useful dissemination tool. I am available to work beyond political colors for all those who seek opportunities from my European commitment that retain our young people with quality work, to improve the region’s infrastructure and services. My goal is that the PNRR does not endbut be renewed as a permanent instrument

The exploit of the Greens and Left Alliance cannot be ignored. Is this an opportunity or internal competition for you?
I believe that the PD cannot be self-sufficient, having solid allies is important. We want to work for a broad and coherent coalition

Do you think it is possible, on a local level, to also involve Action and the Renzian area?
We must address everyone and their voters if they want to work for the good of the coalition…

And the 5 Stars? Is the wide shot a concrete hypothesis?
They must be involved. They are a force that, even if they have had a not very satisfactory result, represents a piece of our field with which we must build the alternative. We have differences, but just as the right builds ways of being together, even if based on power, we must do the same if we want to live up to the citizens’ demands

Is the name always Andrea Orlando for the presidency? Is there room for negotiation on him or is it a condition that the allies will have to accept?
The PD will not be able to put a name like an either/or. There is no doubt that his name is of great importance and authority, I think that his availability is useful for a proposal which, however, must pass from a confrontation with alliesnot forgetting that the PD has had such success as to be a driving force

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