Italy 24 Press News

FdI collapses in Acqui. Resignation (rejected) of the man from Chiorino


Stefano Rizzi 2.10pm Wednesday 12 June 2024

In the shadow of Bollente, “the federalist” from Alessandria Riboldi managed only 80 preferences. Resignation (rejected) of the city manager Bonante, a long-time collaborator of the regional councilor

The sad electoral outcome is hotter than the famous Bollente, symbol of the city Brothers of Italy to Acqui Terme. And to draw the natural consequences of those 1,147 votes, but above all of the paltry 80 preferences that went to the list leader and provincial secretary, as well as probable future regional councilor, Federico Riboldi he is actually the city manager of the party, Claudio Bonante.

Former head of cabinet of the outgoing councilor for Labor and Education Elena Chiorino, an expert in corporate accounting and international trade, Bonante, as confirmed with nice irony by some Piedmontese Melonian exponents, does not display similar skills when it comes to doing the math, yes, but with the votes to take. The result of the regional elections in the spa city confirms this portrait, since despite being faced with internal competition from the outgoing councilor for Agriculture, the Northern League member Mark Protopope (later not elected) the Brothers have, however, achieved a poor result to say the least, as was said above all in terms of preferences for the provincial “federal” Riboldi.

With the polls still hot, the decidedly more burning lean figure led the city secretary to announce his resignation. “With regards to the results of Acqui Terme and Acquese, both in quantitative terms and in terms of preferences – writes Bonante in a chat – as president of the club I take note of this and hand in my resignation”.

A step backwards taken by Bonante, Riboldi’s deputy on the provincial board of FdI, which does not represent an absolute novelty. Already on the occasion of previous elections, always faced with uninspiring results, Chiorino’s head of cabinet had resigned his mandate, always having his resignation rejected by his friend Riboldi. Who even today asked Bonante to stay in his place. And so it will be, even if there are rumors of an imminent reinforcement in the “fraternal” management of Acqui Terme. Riboldi would be thinking of the former president of the Province of Alessandria Gianfranco Baldito avoid further burns.

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