Italy 24 Press News

Free bills, below this ISEE threshold the State gives you electricity, water and gas: apply immediately in view of the summer

The cost of living and rising bills: how to deal with the situation

In recent years, the cost of living has increased significantly, impacting heavily on family budgets. Among the factors that contribute most to this situation, theincrease in energy prices had a significant impact. The electricity and gas billsin particular, have become a real nightmare for many families, putting a strain on their ability to meet daily expenses.

There energy crisis, which began with various geopolitical factors and worsened with the pandemic and subsequent global events, has led to a dramatic increase in energy costs. Italian families, already dealing with arising inflation and salaries that often don’t keep up with the cost of living, now find themselves having to deal with bills that never seem to stop rising.

L’Regulatory authority for energy, networks and the environment has monitored the situation closely, making changes to regulations and introducing temporary measures to try to mitigate the impact on consumers. However, despite these efforts, many families continue to struggle, trying to figure out how to cope with what seem to be ever-increasing bills.

What is the bill bonus and who can benefit from it

The state benefits, designed to offer relief to the neediest families, are positioned as a support for families in difficulty. One of the main support measures is the social bonus bills, intended for those who find themselves in conditions of economic or physical hardship. However, this bonus has recently been changed. From the April 1, 2024the amount of the social bonus bills was reducedreturning to standard amounts after the end of the extraordinary contribution foreseen until the first quarter of the year. This change was decided as part of the Budget law 2024, which established the cessation of the extraordinary measures introduced to counter the most acute effects of the energy crisis.

The bonus amounts are variables and depend on number of family members, as indicated in the tax return. It can be requested by families with a Isee up to 9,530 eurosor up to 20,000 euros in the case of families with at least four dependent children. To obtain the bonus, it is necessary to present a DSU to the INPS, which certifies the economic situation of the family unit. Families in conditions of physical hardship, or those in which there is at least one member who needs electromedical equipment for life support, they are entitled to the bonus regardless of the ISEE, provided that the necessary medical certificates are provided.

How to access the bill bonus.
(Source: –

How to request the bill bonus

Interested families must submit application at your municipality of residence, a Caf or another body designated by the municipality, attaching the requested documentation. Among the necessary documents are the certificate issued by the ASL attesting to the need for electro-medical equipment, the completed application form and a copy of the applicants’ identity documents.

The bill bonus represents concrete help for families who struggle to cope with energy costs. Even though the amounts have been reduced compared to the extraordinary period, this measure remains an important support for many.

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