Italy 24 Press News

Liguria Region, Summer Orientations presented: nine stops in the area and five hundred already registered

Genoa. Orientamenti Summer returns from 18 June to 11 July. The event, organized by the Liguria Region, to support students and their parents in choosing the best post-middle school training path.

Nine stops in the four Ligurian provinces, including the hinterland, with free workshops to learn everything about the offer of training institutions and schools, discover personal aptitudes and interests, tools and trends of the job market with training experts and professionals thanks to the collaboration with the Regional Educational Office and the University of Genoa.

“Orientations is a large container that lasts 365 days a year – declares the regional councilor for Training and Orientation Marco Scajola -. With Orientamenti Summer we want to offer a completely free opportunity to all those who have to decide how to continue their educational path after middle school. Nine meetings with interactive workshops managed by training professionals able to guide children and their parents towards the best possible choice. We will be in all the capitals of the region, but also in the internal areas, thus giving the right space to our wonderful hinterland and to those who live there”.

“In just a few days we have already had over 500 booked, but we obviously aim to increase these numbers with the aim of being of help to as many Ligurian students as possible. We want to establish ourselves, event after event, as a constant point of reference. I invite the kids to trust us, our advice and what we can guarantee for an informed choice”, concludes Scajola.

“This year too Orientamenti Summer is aimed at all middle school students who are called to choose their future: a virtuous format that allows us, together with the countless activities carried out during the school year, to deseasonalize the November Festival ”, the words of the Councilor for School and University of the Liguria Region Simona Ferro.

“In this way we really orient young Ligurians 365 days a year and we do it throughout the territory, since these stages will closely affect many places in the hinterland. I like to underline how in this edition we also chose to speak to high school students, thanks to the collaboration with the University of Genoa, to give them valuable help in choosing their academic and professional path”, says Simona Ferro.

“Liguria has grown exponentially in the last 10 years and will continue to grow – concludes the councilor – but to do so it needs above all the contribution of its young people. This is why we believe it is essential to help them cultivate their talents and pursue their dreams.”

There are already over 500 registered participants with the possibility of registering open up to and including the day of the stage on the website:

Each province will have at least two meetings, one in the capital and one in one of the internal areas, thus achieving an objective included in the regional strategy for these territories, namely the organization of large training events. Three from the Genoese with: Genoa, Busalla and Sestri Levante.

All appointments will take place at 6 pm. This is the complete list: 18 June – Imperia, 25 June – Pieve di Teco, 26 June – Savona, 28 June – Brugnato, 1 July – Genoa, 2 July – Busalla, 4 July – Sestri Levante, 8 July – La Spezia, 11 July – Calizzano.

During the stages of: Imperia, Savona, Busalla, Genoa, Sestri Levante and La Spezia, at 5 pm, the aforementioned activities planned by Orientamenti Summer will be joined by those of the University of Genoa to answer the question: “What to do after high school? ”

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