Italy 24 Press News

Ten years of Civil Service in Fvg / Pordenone / Weekly of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone

The seminar will be held tomorrow 12 June 2024 starting at 10:00 am with greetings from the Councilor for Health, Social Policies and Disability Riccardo Riccardi. Ten years of Civil Service in Friuli Venezia Giulia – The impact of the experience on the lives of young peoplewhich will be hosted by the ASP ITIS auditorium in via Pascoli in Trieste.

The meeting will have as its central moment the presentation of the 2013-2023 report which inspired the name of the event and which brings together the long and positive experience of the Civil Service in the Region.

“In an increasingly distracted society that pays little attention to human relations – declares councilor Riccardi when announcing the event – the Civil Service represents the key to involving young people, our future, in the community, introducing them to the relationship with the more, to attention to need. Demographic evolution makes us understand that society needs young people who not only integrate but become an operational part of the community, taking on the responsibility of consciously choosing and working for the common good. This will contribute to their personal and, consequently, professional growth. But it will have an immediate impact on the community: it will be an example and stimulus for everyone, allowing us to plan a future in which the territory and participation are the pillars of a new vision of society”.

The national Civil Service, established with Law 64/2001 and became Universal Civil Service in 2017 thanks to Legislative Decree no. 40, allows young people, regardless of gender, to voluntarily participate in solidarity and social education projects. In recent years, Friuli Venezia Giulia has been able to define a model of Universal Civil Service which is held up as one of the best at a national level.

Following the dictates of Regional Law 11/2017, our region has adopted a series of good practices, customizing them as best as possible, also structuring a service architecture that has given important results. In Friuli Venezia Giulia there is, in fact, a regional office dedicated to the Civil Service; a project to expand the service involving minors was developed and training activities were financed to support the institutions present in the region. All under the constant coordination of the Region.

The numbers give the measure of the results obtained: from 2017 to today we have gone from 568 Universal Civil Service operators to 711 in 2022 with a constant growth in membership from young people in the region.

Normally a Solidarity Civil Service project, financed by regional funds, is spread over 240 hours of activities to be carried out with intensive planning over the summer or 360 hours to be distributed over the course of the year.

During the event scheduled for tomorrow, various topics will be touched on starting from the prospects of the universal Civil Service between experiments and future strategies, to move on to the impact on the territory also evaluating the impact of the laboratories created in FVG as an experimental model.

The meeting will be moderated by Gianna Zamaro, central director of the Central Directorate for Health, Social Policies and Disability and by Raoul Bubbi, director of the Legal and Legislative Affairs Service of the DCS and Third Sector.

Promotion and information on the Universal Civil Service is a project of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region managed in agreement with Acli, Arci SC, Federsolidarietà/Confcooperative.

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