Italy 24 Press News

Gas off, she’s away from home. She doesn’t let him see her children, he threatens her


That day in February, when the gas supply to the house was disconnected, she had gone away with her children. A choice that would have led the man with whom she had lived for a long time to torment and persecute her. Conduct that cost him a ban from approaching the offended person, with the provision of application of the electronic bracelet.

This is the measure ordered by investigating judge Roberto Nuzzo, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, for a 30-year-old from Benevento, investigated for stalking. The young man, defended by the lawyer Gerardo Giorgione, is accused of the behavior he allegedly maintained towards the woman, who had decided not to let him see her children, due to some of her habits, until an agreement was reached.

He would have sent her numerous messages, vocal and otherwise, at all hours through phone calls, WhatsApp and social media. Messages that were highly offensive and of an intimidating nature: “Show me the creatures, otherwise I’ll be in the biggest trouble of my life”, he allegedly wrote and told her, also threatening to harm her and her family (“I for my children I’ll even do 70 years in prison, I’ll shoot you…”) and inviting them to watch their backs.

The investigation, launched after the complaint presented by the unfortunate woman, who had specified that she had never suffered acts of physical violence, was supported by the examination of some witnesses, providing a picture that led the Public Prosecutor to propose the adoption of the measure , decided by the judge due to the risk of repetition of the crime.

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