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F1 News – What Dark Evil Has Affected Ferrari in Canada?

To understand the performance of the Ferrari F1 in the race, it is necessary to consider several technical and strategic factors. The main difficulties for Ferrari emerged from the start of the race. An article published on our F1 News site explores some hypotheses on the possible problems encountered, which are largely linked to the configuration of the F1 car setup for this type of track.

Ferrari F1 Car Setup

The track in question requires a specific approach to car setup. The setup must be less rigid than usual to allow the car to better manage the roughness of the track and maintain stability. This involves adjusting the suspension’s characteristic angles, such as camber and toe, to less extreme values. Furthermore, the track requires frequent acceleration and deceleration, requiring good grip especially on the Ferrari’s rear tires.

Grip and Downforce Problems

During free practice, the Ferrari F1 appeared less stable than the other cars, especially at the rear. This could indicate a more unloaded setup of the Ferrari car, i.e. with less aerodynamic load. This choice may have been made to better suit the expected dry racing conditions,

When the track was wet, Ferrari showed difficulty putting energy into the tires due to the low temperatures, highlighting a lack of downforce or a setup that was too soft. To compensate for a soft setup, tire pressure may have been increased, a common practice to achieve greater stiffness.

Importance of Tires

Tires play a crucial role in the setup of the Ferrari F1 car. Their elasticity and ability to respond to stress are crucial for performance. In the current context of Formula 1 cars, characterized by considerable chassis rigidity to generate aerodynamic load from the bottom, tire management becomes even more critical. The tires must be able to absorb part of the stresses to avoid imbalances in the car’s dynamics.

Final Considerations on the Red Race

Ferrari’s performance in the race can be influenced by multiple factors. Without all the data available, it is difficult to precisely determine the causes of the problems encountered. However, it is clear that setup configuration and tire management are key elements. Ferrari, like all teams, tries to balance stiffness and downforce to achieve maximum performance. Further analysis and data will be necessary to fully understand the difficulties encountered and find effective solutions.

In conclusion, the Ferrari F1 race highlighted the need for an optimal setup and careful tire management to best face the challenges of the track. Continuing to investigate and improve these aspects will be fundamental to the future success of Ferrari F1 in racing. For further updates and news on Ferrari F1, continue to follow us on F1 News.

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