Italy 24 Press News

>ANSA-BOX/ In Fvg Fdi confirms itself as the first party, followed by the Democratic Party – News

In Friuli Venezia Giulia Fratelli d’Italia confirms itself as the first party: in an almost definitive ballot (only one section out of 1,358 is missing) the group led by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, obtains 33.99% of the preferences of those who went to the ballot boxes to elect the new European Parliament. In second place is the Democratic Party, with 20.98% of the votes, an increase compared to 2022. The League is third with 14.92%. The Northern League figure is higher than that currently recorded at a national level and doubles the result of Forza Italia – Noi Moderati – EPP (around 7.06%). The Green Left Alliance obtained 6.11%, while the 5 Star Movement stopped at 5.42%, decreasing.

In Fvg they have not yet reached the 4% threshold Action We are Europeans (3.40%), United States of Europe (3.12%), Peace, Earth, Dignity (2.83%), Freedom (1.15%) , Svp (0.72%) and Popular Alternative (0.31%).

While for Fdi the preferences obtained in this round, higher than the national figure, are a confirmation compared to the 2022 policies, the results of Pd and Lega improve: two years ago they stopped at 18% and 11% respectively. Fi also rises by one point, while the M5s falls, which in 2022 was around 7%. Azione-Italia Viva, which at the time appeared united, stood at around 8%. Five years ago, at the 2019 European elections, the League had broken through with 42.56%, the Democratic Party was second party with 22.23%, the M5s had obtained 9.62%. Fdi was at 7.61%, Forza Italia at 6.69%.

As regards the candidates and in particular the candidates from Friuli Venezia Giulia, the one who obtains the most votes in the region is Alessandro Ciriani, mayor of Pordenone (Fdi), with currently 34,825 preferences. Second was Anna Maria Cisint (Lega), mayor of Monfalcone (29,311), third was former regional councilor Sara Vito of the Democratic Party (15,630).

The definitive turnout of this call to the polls, according to data from the Eligendo portal, in Fvg is equal to 48.29%, slightly lower than the national average of 49.69% and a marked decline compared to the figure for the 2019 European elections: 57 .04%.

The highest turnout was recorded in the province of Gorizia with 51.40%; followed by Udine (50.28%), Pordenone (46.55%). Last Trieste (44.09%).

In the region there were also votes for the renewal of administrative positions in 114 municipalities, all under 15 thousand inhabitants.

According to data released by the Regional Electoral Service, the final turnout stood at 56%.

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