Italy 24 Press News

>ANSA-BOX/FdI first party in Liguria with turnout at 50.61% – News

Fratelli d’Italia is the most voted party in the European elections in Liguria with 26.77% of the votes, followed closely by the Democratic Party with 26.29%, distantly from the M5S with 10.19% and the League with ‘8.88%, which in 2019 was the first party. In fifth place Forza Italia-Noi Moderati-EPP with 8.43%, in the Region shocked by the judicial investigation which led the governor and leader of Noi Moderati Giovanni Toti to house arrest. These are the definitive data from the Ministry of the Interior with the total of 1,785 sections scrutinized.

One in two Ligurians did not go to vote: the turnout in Liguria was 50.61% with a decrease of 7.89% compared to the 58.50% recorded in the previous electoral round of 2019.

Out of 1,305,235 voters, there were 660,527 voters in Liguria, 23,971 invalid ballots, 10,868 blank ballots and 67 contested ballots.

In detail, in order of consensus, the votes obtained by FdI in the European elections in Liguria were 167,508, 26.77% of the total, followed by Pd with 164,470 (26.29%), M5S with 63,727 (10.19%), Lega with 55,560 (8.88%), Forza Italia-Noi Moderati-EPP with 52,734 (8.43%), Alleanza Verdi Sinistra with 48,069 (7.68%), United States of Europe with 23,397 (3.74%) , Action with 22,087 (3.53%), Peace, Earth and Diginity with 19,071 (3.05%), Freedom with 5,729 (0.92%), Popular Alternative with 2,062 (0.33%) and Rassemblement Valdôtain with 1,207 ( 0.19%).

At the 2019 European elections there were 767,594 voters in Liguria out of 1,312,115 eligible voters, with a turnout of 58.50%. The first party was the League with 251,696 votes, 33.88% of the total, followed on the podium by the Democratic Party with 185,260 (24.94%) and the M5S with 122,536 (16.49%). In fourth place Forza Italia with 57,887 (7.79%), in fifth place Fratelli d’Italia with 42,118 (5.67%) and others.

While waiting for the administrative elections to be counted this afternoon, in the three municipalities above the threshold of 15,000 inhabitants voting in Liguria, FdI confirms itself as the party with the most votes in the European elections. Both in Rapallo currently led by the centre-right with 30.92% of the vote followed by the Pd at 17.90%, but also in Sanremo (Imperia) and Albenga (Savona) both led by the centre-left, where FdI respectively obtains 35.80% and 32.31% followed by the Democratic Party at 17.21% and 18.25%.

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