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agreement between the Lazio Region and the FIGC for the promotion of sports and tourism

Lazio is betting on the Azzurri to promote their excellence.

Thanks to the agreement between the Region and the Italian Football Federationthe Administration will be present alongside the Italian national team during the Europeans in Germany and will kick off social collaborations and territorial and food and wine promotions that will see the provinces interested. The common objective is to promote the territory and its riches through sport. The agreement, presented by the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Roccaby the general secretary of the FIGC, Marco Brunelli and by the councilor for Budget, Economic Planning, Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Giancarlo Righiniwill give great importance to tourism by highlighting the wonderful places that Lazio preserves.

Lazio will be at the center of national football in 2025. In fact, the finals of the championships from the under 18s of Serie A clubs to the under 15 finals of amateur clubs and women’s football will be hosted in the fields of the region. An important opportunity to create meetings between conferences, operators and personalities from the football scene. This initiative, promoted by the councilor for Sport, Tourism and the Environment, Elena Palazzoaims to enhance the local beauties and increase the tourist attractiveness of the region, thus contributing to the economic and cultural growth of Lazio with activities such as:

Casa Azzurri

During the European Football Championships, the Lazio Region will be present in Iselhorn, Germany, with its own space inside Casa Azzurri. The historic place, a few steps from the national team’s training ground, is dedicated to the FIGC partners who accompany Italy on the occasion of the major international tournaments and in the internal matches of the top teams. The stand of the Lazio Region, during the European Championships, will come alive through a series of initiatives to enhance Lazio’s food and wine excellence. Furthermore, meetings and debates will be organized dedicated to the theme of major sporting events as a driving force for tourism relaunch and to football as a tool for spreading the healthiest sporting and social values.

Social campaign

Some of the national team’s champions will lend their faces to a social campaign, ready to launch and aimed at promoting the numerous tourist destinations of Lazio. A message that will be addressed to everyone, in particular to the younger generations who, through the slogan coined for the occasion “Train to beauty”, will be encouraged to discover the landscape, historical and cultural richness of the Region.

The Azzurri in Lazio

Space for the promotion of football and its values. Thanks to the agreement made with the FIGC, starting from the autumn, three matches of the national football teams, the Men’s National A, Under 21 and Women’s National A, will be organized in different provinces of Lazio. A way to bring the great sporting spectacle not only to Rome, but throughout the region. The idea is to strengthen affection for the Italian national team and to understand the blue shirt as a vehicle of shared values ​​and a sense of belonging, especially among the younger ones who will be able to see the champions’ exploits up close and identify with them.

«It is with great satisfaction that we ratify this important agreement between the Italian Football Federation and the Lazio Region. In view of the European Championships which will be held in Germany, we will be present within ‘Home Blues‘ with one of our stands for the promotion and valorisation of the wonders of the Lazio region” declared the president of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca. «Together with the FIGC we have established that the Region will host three matches in 2024: the men’s senior national team, the women’s senior national team and the men’s Under 21s. Some of these sporting competitions will take place in the provinces of Latina, Rieti and Frosinone, thus enhancing the widespread beauty of our Region. More and more Lazio, through the great potential of sport and football, is committed to promoting, in Italy and around the world, our hidden treasures” concluded President Rocca.

«There is a close correlation between sporting events and the promotion of the territory and in particular of food and wine products which are often the best ambassadors of our Region. Since our establishment we have decided to focus on major sporting events precisely because they represent an extraordinary showcase for our excellence. In Lazio there are 458 recognized typical products that contribute to the social and economic growth of the Region. We will bring some of these to Casa Azzurri to enhance them and make them appreciated by the general international public.” Thus the councilor for the Budget, Economic Planning, Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Hunting and Fishing, Parks and Forests of the Lazio Region, Giancarlo Righini.

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