Italy 24 Press News

Salernitana construction site open. Days of fire between ownership and DS, possible revolution

“For every end, there is a new beginning”, says a famous passage from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince, an aphorism that seems to fit the case of Salernitana. Perhaps the worst story in the more than one hundred year history of the Granata club has gone to the archives, but now a new challenge begins, that of becoming great again.

The sadness and bitterness of the last few months is starting to give way to the desire for revenge, but also to an understandable apprehension for a future that is currently uncertain. Between now and the next few weeks, a real revolution could take place, a sort of new year zero. Contacts between Brera Holdings and Iervolino for a possible transfer of the company into American hands have begun, but at the moment there are no official offers. The Granata patron is asking for no less than 25 million, more than double what the Neapolitan entrepreneur paid two years ago. A sign that, however, the company, after three years in Serie A, has seen its value grow significantly.

Further changes cannot therefore be ruled out after the one two years ago, but at the moment it remains only a hypothesis. The only certain thing, however, is that the technical and managerial framework is destined to change completely. For the DS, the Petrachi track seems increasingly distant, after the black smoke of a few days ago, while the Maiorino and Sogliano hypotheses remain standing.

In short, almost in mid-June nothing appears certain or defined in the Salernitana house, where crucial news is expected within a few days, because the Serie B season is upon us and the Granata cannot run the risk of being caught unprepared.

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