Italy 24 Press News

two teenagers arrested after threatening men with a replica gun

A quiet afternoon turned into a moment of terror for two citizens of Canicattì when they were threatened with a gun and robbed of their wallets.

The authors, two local young people aged just 17 and 15, were quickly arrested thanks to the effective intervention of the police.

While walking along Via Regina Margherita, the two men were approached by two teenagers who, under the threat of a compressed air gun, a perfect replica of the weapons supplied to the police, demanded the handover of the wallet. Although the loot was modest, containing only personal documents, the trauma suffered by the victims was significant.

The agents of the Flying section of the Canicattì police station, after having collected the descriptions of the robbers and a detailed reconstruction of the events, immediately started the search. On the same night, the two alleged robbers were located and stopped: the older one, a short distance from the crime scene, was found in possession of the offending gun.

Investigations revealed that the weapon, an air pistol without the distinctive red safety cap, had been modified to appear more threatening. The arrested young people, transported to the “Malaspina” juvenile institution in Palermo, are now at the disposal of the judicial authorities, accused of aggravated robbery.

This episode underlines the speed and effectiveness of the police force in responding to crimes that disturb public peace, re-establishing security and tranquility in the community of Canicattì. Another example of their constant commitment to protecting citizens.


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