Italy 24 Press News

Golden Microphone 2024, TMW Radio’s ‘Maracanà’ broadcast awarded

Prestigious award for Tmw Radio and ‘Maracanà’. The broadcast, hosted by director Marco Piccari and Stefano Impallomeni, received the Golden Microphone in the Sports Insights category.

Confirming the victory live at Maracanà was Fabrizio Pacifici, creator and host of the event which every year rewards the most loved voices of Roman and national radio. The award ceremony will take place on 4 July at 5pm in the Campidoglio, in the Sala della Protomoteca. Who announced: “We are happy to be able to reward a broadcast like Maracanà. And we will then do it in a year, 2024, which is decidedly important, because it is the 100th anniversary of the radio. And there will be many speakers who have made the history of Italian radio who will be rewarded in the Capitol”.

“We are proud of this award – said director Piccari -, which I want to share with the entire TMW Radio team. From the direction to the editorial staff, through all the hosts, the editor who made all this possible, the guests we all have the days, the commentators, and obviously the listeners, who are an active part of our broadcasts. In addition to all the organizations that support us in other regions and allow us to go on other platforms as well, it is a format that has been on the air for now almost eight seasons and it’s an award that pushes us to do even better. It’s truly a great emotion.”

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