Italy 24 Press News

Once we’ve set off, the trial by fire begins. Against the background of the elections, the balance towards the vote in the city

Who will be the most beautiful of them all? They parade in front of the “Cumaean Sibilla” of the ballot boxes to discover their future.

The European elections shape the geography of the old continent but at the same time outline, thanks to proportional representation, the balance of power between the parties. And they turn into a wedge between the two sides, then nothing will be the same again. In the capital they represent a sort of “midterm” test towards the municipal elections.

If mayor Alessandro Ghinelli were to win his good fight we would vote in a year, if not perhaps in two.

Will Brothers of Italy maintain its political advantage, when in the city it reached 30.96%, at that point mortgaging, in all likelihood, the legacy, at least in terms of candidacy, of the current mayor?

And will the balance of power in the coalition remain the same as it was then, with the League at 7.5% and Forza Italia at 6.2%, very far from the allies? If you look closely, the match also has the flavor of derbies in the two coalitions: this time the Azzurri appear alongside Noi Moderati, then present alone and with just 1.5%, the first real challenge being played here and at a national level post-Berlusconi. With effects that go beyond the capital.

Let’s think for example of the Province: here the League, in the midst of the painful succession to Silvia Chiassai, has practically lost its representatives and therefore has the legitimate ambition of presenting itself a little closer to the 2018 data, when the Northern League had even surpassed the Pillars of Hercules by 20%.

On the other hand, the center-left awaits the first acid test of the Democratic Party led by Elly Schlein at a national level, and Barbara Croci at a local level.

A Pd that in 2022 had lost the position of Arezzo’s leading party for the first time, slipping to 23.18%. Now he dreams of revenge at Palazzo Cavallo but also passes a little through the European node and these proportionals without shields. On that occasion the 5 Stars had fallen to 9.5%, compared to 23.7 just four years earlier.

The wide field is waiting to discover first how wide it is in purely numerical terms and then how practicable it is in political ones. An answer that also calls into question the left extended to the Greens, then at 4% and today we will see. In the middle, the center’s bet: then united, with Italia Viva e Azione at 9.2%, and today again divided between two forces in search of the European quorum (the famous overtaking of 4%) and indications on the next moves, also on the Arezzo chessboard.

The hunt for political signals that intersects with the hopes of some Arezzo candidates for Europe: the mayor Alessandro Ghinelli, in the field for Forza Italia and Noi Moderati, but not only.

There is Francesco Cappelletti, from Casentino on track with the United States of Europe. There is Luciano Spigliantini, secretary of the PRI present in Calenda’s lists.

And the candidacy of Sergio De Caprio also has a hint of Arezzo flavour, known to everyone as the Ultimate Captain in the fight against the mafia, born in Montevarchi and also on the list here with Libertà by Cateno De Luca.

Characters in search of an author, in a game that still involves everyone and on which electoral silence has fallen since this morning. The next word is expected from the polls.

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