Italy 24 Press News

He slaps her in the street. And he breaks her eardrum: blocked

He slapped her in the middle of the street and sent her to hospital with a perforated eardrum. The bad episode happened the other day right in front of the carabinieri barracks in via Picasso. The military witnessed the scene and immediately intervened, blocking the man and rescuing the girl. This is the second violent case against a woman in just two days. The first occurred in Poggio a Caiano on Wednesday afternoon where a 37-year-old disabled woman was beaten by her ex-husband who was arrested. The woman ended up in hospital with a nasty wound on her head, at the level of her ear. Even in that case, the man acted in the middle of the street, in front of his one-year-old son, who was with his mother, and under the eyes of several witnesses.

The man blocked in Via Picasso by the military is a 34-year-old Moroccan. He was in the company of her partner, an Italian woman slightly younger than her, when she lost her temper by putting her hands on her. It is probable that the two had an argument but the manner used by the man afterwards was completely excessive. He delivered a violent slap to the woman’s face, so hard that he punctured her eardrum. It all happened under the cameras of the police station who noticed what was happening in the street and intervened immediately. The woman ended up in hospital while the man was identified. The prosecutor on duty was informed that he immediately ordered the man’s removal from the family home in order to protect the woman. An urgent measure which thus allows the victim to be protected from similar situations which could have even more serious developments.

Unfortunately, cases of violence against women show no signs of decreasing and despite the many information campaigns, the episodes remain many as demonstrated by the continuous complaints arriving at the prosecutor’s office.


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