Italy 24 Press News


Dear people

Minister of Culture

Prof. Gennaro Sangiuliano

[email protected]

Head of the Minister’s Cabinet

Council Francesco Gilioli

[email protected]

MiC General Secretariat

Dr. Mario Turetta

[email protected]

General Organization Management

[email protected]

General Budget Directorate

[email protected]

General Directorate of Archives

[email protected]

General Directorate of Museums

[email protected]

General Directorate of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape

[email protected]

General Directorate of Education, Research and Cultural Institutes

[email protected]

Directorate General for Cultural Heritage Security

[email protected]

General Directorate of Libraries and Copyright

[email protected]

General Directorate for Cinema and Audiovisual

[email protected]

Special Superintendency for the PNRR

[email protected]

OBJECT: Letter/meeting request. what future of work for VAT-registered collaborators in MtheC.

Since 2020, the Ministry of Culture has been making up for the now chronic staff shortage, which still stands at around 8,000 units today, through the use of external VAT-registered collaborators, authorized by art. 24 of the Legislative Decree 14 August 2020, n. 104, converted, with amendments, into Law 13 October 2020, n. 126, et seq. mm.

Between the end of 2020 and the first half of 2021, the first selection notices were announced and carried out, again in 2021, by the ABAP, Archives, Museums and Libraries and Copyright Directorates. Subsequently and periodically, between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2023 the collaborations were extended and/or renewed until December 2023 also through new notices issued by the individual Peripheral Offices and Institutes based on the positive outcome of the activities carried out by these professionals in the sector.

Overall, the Ministry of Culture has made use of the qualified and expert collaboration of around 800 professionals of different profiles: Archaeologist, Architect, Archivist, Construction Site Technical Assistant, Technical Assistant Surveyor, Librarian, Cataloging Expert, Communicator, Tender and Contract Expert, Engineer (expert in plant engineering, IT expert, structural engineer), Restorer, Art Historian and Accounting Technician.

The 2024 selection notices foreseen by the Thousand Extensions decree for a maximum of 6 months of collaboration are currently being drawn up: notices which, however, are struggling to be published or are published in fits and starts, like the rankings of winners and suitable candidates. at the great national competition for officials, held in Rome last year.

Delays of months, which, especially for the archival sector, are translating into incalculable damage for the protection, conservation, enhancement and use of cultural heritage. This situation has once again forced many peripheral offices and institutes to limit their openings or to undergo prolonged closures.

Therefore, following the administrative and European elections on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 May, the external collaborators with VAT number of the MiC pursuant to art. 24 DL 104/2020 conv. L. 126/2020, once again forcefully ask that the experience and advanced training gained in these three years at the Peripheral Offices and Institutes not be eliminated.

Rather, that they are enhanced through effective continuity, or through legitimate job stability which would benefit both these workers and the cultural heritage of our country. A heritage envied throughout the world and, today more than ever, threatened also and above all by a serious shortage of highly qualified personnel who alone can guarantee those protection and valorization actions advocated by the Legislative Decree. 42/2004.

Superintendencies collapsing also due to the increase in the workload resulting from the PNRR, archaeological sites numerically ever growing, libraries without librarians, archives without archivists, just to give some examples.

The most current and disastrous situation involves the archives which are in a state of total suffering: many offices are closed due to lack of staff (Savona, Piacenza, Macerata, Gorizia and many others) and they will never be able to support the flow of requests foreseen by the approval of the recently approved Save Home Decree, without the presence and professionalism of the already trained archivists who have collaborated with the MiC for many years. To this day they are still waiting for collaborations that have not yet started and/or the outcome of a bogged down competition that will probably place them in locations far from their specialization.

Given the above, the undersigned OS requests an urgent meeting with the Representative for Trade Union Relations of the Office of Direct Collaboration with the Minister’s Cabinet.

Rome, 7 June 2024


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