Italy 24 Press News

Faenza. The amusement park returns to the delight of the youngest. It was blocked by the flood in 2023

Forty attractions for twelve days of fun dedicated especially to younger people. Like that tradition that never fades, tThe amusement park returns to Faenza from Tuesday 11th to Saturday 22nd June, having missed its appointment at the beginning of the summer of 2023 in a city that was trying to get back on its feet after the blows of the floods. Not even the Covid-19 pandemic was able to remove this festive circus set in the days of the Niballo-Palio di Faenza demonstrations in 2020 and 2021, but the floods sadly hit the mark.

From left Vasco Talenti, Andrea Fabbri, Riccardo Farneti and (right) Massimo Bosi.

Also seen as a sign of the restart that follows unfortunate years, the amusement park, or “the sideshows”, a name that has been handed down through generations of inhabitants of the Manfredi city, will appear in its traditional “den” which is Piazzale Aldo Pancrazi in front of the building of the “Dino Bubani” sport, at the “Bruno Neri” stadium and at the entrance to the “Bucci” park.

From 11 to 22 June, from 5pm to 11.30pm, the operators of the traveling show will open their 40 attractions to those young people from Faenza who are well digitalised, but who also love to find themselves there where mum and dad, grandmother and grandfather had fun, because the moon park is still fun, and a lot.

For the inauguration next Tuesday at 7pm, a cheerful procession is planned from Piazza del Popolo formed by the Italian Folk Group “alla Casadei” with the Civitella and Cusercoli Band and the majorettes who will distribute sweets and candies to the children; after having traveled along Corso Mazzini it will arrive in Via Oberdan and enter Piazzale Pancrazi, where the deputy mayor Andrea Fabbri will cut the ribbon.

“The return of the amusement park is certainly another important sign of the restart – states Fabbri who also has responsibility for economic development and productive activities – because it is a very old tradition of our city, a moment of meeting, of joy and celebration with families and of course for children. And it is also an important appointment for the traveling entertainment operators themselves, forced to skip 2023 and after the previous difficult years. The effort of the operators to make various benefits available to less fortunate families and school children should be highlighted. These are also gestures that put us back on track.”

In fact, in the last days of school opening, the amusement park operators distributed numerous free tickets in the nursery, primary and middle schools of Faenza; the entire opening hours of Tuesday 11th, Monday 17th and Friday 21st will be dedicated to children’s parties, who will be able to access the attractions for free; a day dedicated to disabled people is also planned in collaboration with a voluntary association in the sector.

Naturally, technology has entered the “sideshows” of arrogance for several years to offer entertainment worthy of the 21st century and also to guarantee total safety even in those attractions that seem to defy the laws of physics. An intriguing challenge, but of a different nature, will be to face the “labyrinth of mirrors”: there is always someone who cannot get out of it. Together with the “labyrinth” there will be, among others, the carousel for children, the mini carousel with seats, the tele-combat with planes, the mega kangaroo, the bumper car, the shuttle, the mini brucomela, the inflatable slide, the carousel with chains, goose fishing, shooting gallery, trampolines, frog fishing, the mine, the roundabout, then candy floss for adults and children; finally the “kick ass” and the return of Tagadà. As always, the background music will be the most up-to-date, and at the right volume so as not to disturb the people who live nearby. The Faenza amusement park of 2024 is therefore in total continuity with its ancestors of the first half of the last century: it is right to speak of a “restart” for the families of entrepreneurs, mostly from Romagna, who have invested significant sums to keep their businesses up to date. attractions.

The presentation took place on the morning of Friday 7 June at the “Monte Brullo” pizzeria restaurant, known for its dinner concerts with the great and timeless protagonists of Italian music, in the presence of the deputy mayor Andrea Fabbri, the councilor for safety Massimo Bosi, Vasco Talenti, commander of the Local Police who will ensure discreet and effective control of the amusement park and surrounding areas.

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