Italy 24 Press News

Mourning at Tale e Quale show: Carlo Conti’s painful announcement

Such and Which show struck by bereavement: on Carlo Conti’s social media he expresses his immense pain for the serious loss.

Appointed artistic director and host of the next one Sanremo Festival, Carlo Conti accepted the task with enthusiasm and is close to laying the foundations of the music event, which apparently will follow in the wake of the change initiated by Amadeus. Conti is among the most appreciated Rai faces and has already hosted in the past Sanremo, obtaining significant results in terms of share.

Carlo Conti, painful mourning at Tale e Quale Show – photo ansa –

Today he leads programs such as The best years And Such and such a show, entering Italian homes every day. Professional, ironic, spontaneous, Carlo Conti is a presenter much loved by the public and professionals. Those who worked with him underlined how much Carlo esteems all his collaborators and workers who work behind the scenes.

Particularly related to Such and Which show, which also received widespread approval in the last edition, Carlo Conti is happy that a relaxed atmosphere has been created behind the scenes of the program. He personally knows the tailoring and make-up workers and also the stagehands. But unfortunately in these hours the program was struck by a serious loss and the host expressed his opinion condolences for the passing of Francesca Frongiamake up artist well known on Rai.

Mourning at Tale e Quale show, Carlo Conti’s pain: “Hello Francesca…”

Hi Francesca, always professional, great make-up artist, always smiling even during the battle with evil. We will always remember you…” These are the words of the Tuscan host dedicated to Francesca Frongia. The note make up artist passed away in recent days. The causes of his death are not known and the family has not yet released any statement.

Carlo Conti, serious mourning at Tale e Quale show – IG photo @carloconti –

Also the social profile of Who has seen greeted the make up artist, expressing closeness to the family. Many VIPs joined Conti’s message: “Bye Francesca we will miss you…”, we read on Gigieross’ profile. Jessica Morlacchi’s message is also moving:Thank you Carlo for giving me the opportunity to meet and work with a wonderful person like Francesca…”

The most painful message it’s surely that of Bianca Guaccero who was also very good friends with Francesca: “My friend…how do we do it, how can we do it now without you. I will try to transform the pain into something that can redeem everything you have left inside me. But no now… I can’t… I can’t contain this pain, not think about how much I will miss you. To your voice. How unique you were, those who know you know well.”

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