Italy 24 Press News

Lamezia, 11 June inter-parish meeting on differentiated autonomy

On 11 June at 6.30 pm in the hall of the Parish of San Francesco di Paola an inter-parish meeting will be held on the document of the Calabrian Episcopal Conference “National dis-unity and the concerns of the Churches of Calabria” with reference to the Bill on DIFFERENTIATED AUTONOMY .
In this document the CEC expresses deep concerns regarding the current debate on differentiated autonomy. The Calabrian bishops highlight how this project “will give institutional form to the territorial selfishness of the richest part of the country, amplifying and crystallizing the already existing territorial gaps, with very serious damage to the most vulnerable and defenseless people”. This position arises from the concern that the accentuation of the North-South divide could damage the social cohesion and collective well-being of the nation.
The bishops propose a vision of harmonious growth for the entire national territory. They underline that «the path to follow is instead the one that passes through the recognition of differences and the valorization of each particular reality, especially the most peripheral and/or internal areas». This approach recalls the importance of an inclusive policy that promotes equity and solidarity between the different regions of the country.
The document also appeals to the principle of subsidiarity, quoting Pope Francis, the bishops recall that: «The principle of subsidiarity, in fact, “has a double dynamism: from top to bottom and from bottom to top”. This principle is seen as a way to “provide hope for a healthier and more just future; and we build this future together, aspiring to greater things, broadening our horizons. Either together or it doesn’t work. Either we work together to get out of the crisis, at all levels of society, or we will never get out of it.”
Finally, the pastors of the Churches of Calabria invite the ecclesial communities not to remain indifferent in the face of the challenges posed by the law on differentiated autonomies, encouraging the organization of opportunities for in-depth study and public discussion. «We cannot remain indifferent, say the bishops, we must find ways to develop the awareness that the country will only have a future if all together we know how to intentionally weave and reweave bonds of solidarity, at all levels».
The Calabrian Episcopal Conference therefore invites a collective reflection on the importance of building a more just and cohesive society, underlining the need to promote forms of democratic mobilization that link solidarity and justice.

The meeting on June 11th will be moderated by the lawyer. Gennaro Teodoro Palermo (Assoc. Cultur. “Father Giovanni Vercillo”); introduces Eng. Carlo Bernardo (Forum Calabria Family Associations); argues Prof. Alessandro Mazzitelli (UNICAL Professor of PUBLIC LAW).
All are invited to attend.

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