Italy 24 Press News

“43 of the 120 hostages still held by Hamas dead”

According to the Israeli government, 43 of the 120 hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza have died. This estimate is based on intelligence information, video and forensic analysis. About 250 people were abducted from the kibbutzim on October 7, some of whom were released in November. Hamas has said Israeli raids resulted in the deaths of the hostages, while Israel says some recovered bodies show signs of execution.

Israel: 43 of the 120 hostages still in Gaza are dead

A third of the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza have died, or 43 out of 120. The estimate is contained in a count carried out by the Israeli government which was reported by international media reported by the Jerusalem Post. The data – it was explained – is based on various sources, including intelligence information, closed circuit cameras or videos and forensic analysis. The release of the 120 hostages, including the bodies of the 43 estimated dead, is part of the agreement between Hamas and Israel, relaunched by President Biden. On October 7, about 250 people were kidnapped from the kibbutzim, some were released in November. Hamas, which early in the war threatened to execute hostages in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes, later said that Israeli raids caused the death of the hostages. Israel has not ruled out this happening but has stated that some recovered hostage bodies showed signs of execution.

Source: Ansa

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