Italy 24 Press News

Buoncristiani: «100 years after the death of Matteotti Follonica, an extraordinary municipal council will be held to remember him»

FOLLONICA – «June 10, 2024 marks the centenary of the kidnapping and murder of Giacomo Matteotti. Whether I win or sit in opposition, I will ask for an extraordinary city council in memory of one of the most emblematic figures of the fight for our freedom” says the candidate for mayor Matteo Buoncristiani who, in addition to illustrating the program, decides to take a position on an issue that goes beyond the mere electoral campaign.

«June 10, 2024 will not only be the day after the vote – adds Buoncristiani – it will not only be the moment of electoral budgets, but June 10, 2024 will be a day of reflection to commemorate and reflect on the disappearance, which occurred at the brutal hand of a arrogant and blind power, of a man who made freedom his mission: 10 June 2024 marks the centenary of the murder of one of the putative fathers of our Republic, Giacomo Matteotti. I firmly believe that this important anniversary must be treated as it deserves, because if we are here today competing through free elections, we owe it to figures like him. To his convinced rejection of any authoritarian drift in the country and of a “scam” electoral law, like the Acerbo one, designed to bring grist to the mill of what would have been the fascist dictatorship »

«I therefore undertake – reiterates the candidate -, both if I am elected mayor and if I sit on the opposition benches, to ask to celebrate an extraordinary municipal council dedicated to the memory of Giacomo Matteotti, martyr of freedom. Because the memory of Matteotti and his sacrifice is and must be a memory shared by all Italians. I would like us to have an event not only of re-enactment, but of in-depth analysis to learn more about facts that have indelibly marked the path of our history.”

«I am not a historian and I am certainly not able to adequately deal with such an important topic – concludes Buoncristiani – but I certainly know how important Matteotti’s sacrifice was from the point of view of the baggage of ethical value that our Republic has inherited and which he has the duty to celebrate and always keep in mind. However, to also give a pedagogical function to our initiative, which I hope will be shared, we could turn to the University of Pisa which I know has organized a cycle of events and an exhibition on the theme, for a celebration of the centenary that is both solemn and valid from the point of view historical/scientific”.

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