Italy 24 Press News

Bathing, the president of Sib Lazio Marzoli: “Even in Lazio the mobilization was a success”

NewTuscia – TARQUINIA – The first day of mobilization of seaside resorts for a law that correctly applies the European directive, safeguarding Italian equipped bathing, was also a success in Lazio. “It was a satisfaction to see the massive participation in the initiative – states the president of Sib Lazio Marzia Marzoli – but, at the same time, it is a demonstration of the great concern of the operators in the sector. It is dramatic that the Government does not feel the urgency of protecting seaside tourism, one of the pillars of the Italian tourist economy”.

In the joint SIB-Confcommercio e Fiba-Confesercenti underline how “on 2 June the first of the category mobilization days organized by SIB-Confcommercio and Fiba-Confesercenti the trade union acronyms most representative of Italian seaside resorts. A poster/poster has been put up in every beach establishment in which, in celebrating Republic Day, it is remembered that for 14 years we have been waiting for a law that correctly applies the Bolkestein directive. Over 10 thousand beachgoers posted the poster in their beach establishments. From Sicily to Liguria; from Tuscany to Puglia; from Lazio to Sardinia; from Abruzzo to Campania; from Calabria to Emilia Romagna.

Bathers everywhere were welcomed with this protest manifesto from the trade unions: “the Italian beach resorts had the only mistake of having believed in the laws of the Italian State which guaranteed continuity of work. They cannot be penalized for this.” The Bolkestein Directive as clarified by the Court of Justice of the European Union presupposes the ascertainment of the scarcity of the resource. That is, the impossibility of issuing new concessions. The so-called Technical Consultative Table on the so-called mapping of state-owned maritime concessions has certified that in our country there is the possibility of issuing new concessions and that therefore new operators can carry out this activity. There is therefore no need to “earthquake” a successful model of equipped bathing that the world envies us.

It is only the first of a series of mobilization initiatives that the trade unions have planned to push the Government to do its duty: enact a law to protect 30 thousand predominantly family-run businesses. This is a sector made up not of captains of industry with full coffers as unfortunately has long been maliciously described, but of honest workers who risk losing their jobs and the fruit of their labor”.

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