Italy 24 Press News

Coop’s electricity and gas alliance: the 2023 results

Alleanza luce & gas closes 2023 with over 174,000 active meters, a turnover of 102,693,097 euros

In a scenario of great change for the sector, such as the one which confirms the end of the protection market conditions in the energy segment, Electricity & Gas Alliance it closes 2023 with over 174,000 active meters, a turnover of 102,693,097 euros and an operating profit of 4,797,356 euros (+17% compared to the 2022 profit). The network consolidation activities (now made up of over 90 direct and indirect agents) and sales activities recorded a growth rate of 58% in 2023, marking the all-time sales record in the history of Alleanza luce & gas on the channel physicist. The company’s assistance network is made up of energy consultants present in over 300 points of sale Coop Alliance 3.0Coop Reno and Mastercoop and by a dedicated call center that responds directly from the Bologna headquarters.

2023 was the year in which we led our entire customer base to embrace the green side of energy, offering only and exclusively 100% certified green energy products in the portfolio -explains general management director Flavio Corti-. This year’s challenge is linked to the project ‘the expense that discounts your bill, the bill that discounts your expense’, unique in the Italian energy panorama, which allows us to keep the promise of savings and care for the planet made to the consumer”.

The future

Also in 2024, Alleanza luce e gas confirms its model omnichannel salesthanks to which each sales channel – Coop store, telephone, website – is a touch point in the customer’s purchasing experience who decides independently where to sign the contract.

“Sustainability, clarity, transparency, care, omnichannel remain our key words, the founding values ​​of our Accendi and our community of workers – explains the president and CEO Antonio Cerulli -. Also in 2024 we confirm our commitment to a better, more livable, more breathable world. For us and for the new generations. Our flagship? Proximity to the Coop partner and customer service”.

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