Italy 24 Press News

the motion of no confidence arrives in the chamber. He defends himself “they want to destroy the Liguria Model”

AGI – Motion 109 will arrive tomorrow in the Sandro Pertini chamber in via Fieschi, i.e. the one with which the opposition asks the Regional Council to discredit the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, who has been under house arrest since 7 May on charges of corruption . In a speech that will be read in the chamber by the group leader of the Lista Toti Liguria, he asks for confidence to continue and accuses “The left is looking for a push”.

In the motion, the proponents Luca Garibaldi, Ferruccio Sansa, Fabio Tosi, Giovanni Battista Pastorino, Roberto Arboscello, Enrico Ioculano, Davide Natale, Armando Sanna, Selena Candia, Roberto Centi, Paolo Ugolin, representing the center-left parties (Democratic Party, M5S, Linea Condivisa and Lista Sansa), in opposition in the council, explain that “we are faced with a council and a majority that does not have the political conditions to continue, halved in terms of power and functions, without the authority necessary to manage in the fullness of their skills and with the credibility necessary for the challenges that concern our Region”.

For these reasons, and for the “economic and social stability”, the minority parties ask for “the dissolution of the regional council and the holding of new elections as the only possible way to restore dignity to the institutions, to avoid a stalemate situation of the Region and to guarantee a regional government that operates with full democratic and political legitimacy”.

The session will open at 10am, then there will be a break from 1pm to 2pm, before starting again indefinitely. According to the Constitution, “the Regional Council – we read in article 126 – can express no confidence in the President of the Council by means of a reasoned motion, signed by at least one fifth of its members and approved by roll call by an absolute majority of the members”.

Meanwhile, last week Giovanni Toti, in his home in Ameglia, met – with the approval of the Prosecutor’s Office – the councilor Giacomo Giampedrone and, subsequently, he prepared a letter which will be read tomorrow by the group leader of the Toti List, Alessandro Bozzano. During the meeting the governor, now suspended and replaced by the Northern League member Alessandro Piana, sent a strong and clear message between the lines: “I am not resigning, we are moving forward united together with the majority”.

Toti’s speech. He defends himself and attacks the PD

The newspapers “Il Giornale” and “La Verità” today anticipate extensive excerpts of the speech by the President of the Region, Giovanni Toti, which will be read in the chamber tomorrow by councilor Alessandro Bozzano from the Toti Liguria list.

“I thank all the local and national leaders who have expressed their opinion and position without hesitation. One above all, Matteo Salvini, who by coming to lay the first caisson of the dam last week not only took the credit that is due to him , but he claimed a story that belongs to all of us. President Toti immediately made himself available to the magistrates to clarify all the contours of this affair. After a decade, I will imitate the opposition of constant political and electoral defeats, the same ruling class of the left which has been able to disappoint the citizens, more than any other, in a region where its tradition was very strong, today glimpses, thanks to an investigation by the judiciary, the possibility of recovering a some lost ground” writes the president who has been under house arrest since May 7th.

Toti continues to attack the opposition “you don’t hate works and projects as such, you hate them as a unit of measurement of your inability, past and present” and adds “you want to destroy the Liguria model which in recent years, with the proud reaction to the collapse of Morandi was built”.

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