Italy 24 Press News

Salvini “repudiates” the war, but forgets to say that the only “bomber” is Putin who is killing thousands of Ukrainian civilians

AgenPress – “Italy repudiates the war. We cannot leave the Third World War and nuclear war on our children’s doorstep.” Thus the leader of the League Matteo Salvini during the Northern League event in Milan in view of the European elections. In the next few days, the League groups in the Chamber and Senate will propose documents to commit the entire Parliament to respect article 11 of the Constitution.

Matteo Salvini has no hand in naming Vladimir Putin as the only “bomber” during the two-year Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory, while he used this term against Macron and Borrell. “I hope for a compact center-right in Europe as it is in Italy. And if anyone prefers Macron to Le Pen, they are wrong. I read rambling statements, a few minutes ago, from Borrell, who theoretically should also represent me and the Italian people. He is another of those bombers, quoting De Andrè, who would like the weapons that we sent to Ukraine to defend itself to be used to attack, bomb and kill in Russia. He doesn’t speak on my behalf, he doesn’t speak on behalf of the Italian people.”

In Europe “we have not changed our minds, we have never voted Ursula Von der Leyen and we will never vote Ursula Von Der Leyen” for the presidency of the European Commission. This was said by the deputy prime minister and secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, speaking at a rally in Milan. “We want the centre-right united in the Municipalities, in the Regions, in Rome, and also in the European Parliament. And if someone from the centre-right, out of spite, says ‘no with the League’ or prefers Macron to Le Pen, he is not spiteful to the League but rather harmful to Italy and the Italians. Because between Macron’s bombs and Marine Le Pen’s peace we have the duty to choose Marine Le Pen.”

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