Italy 24 Press News

Public meeting of the Sara Certaldo civic body with Campatelli

More moments of meeting, listening and discussing with citizens. Giovanni Campatelli, candidate for mayor for the centre-left in Certaldo, supported by the coalition that brings together the Pd, the Green Alliance and the Left, Certaldo in Action and the civic list It will be Certaldo with Giovanni Campatelli, has two further initiatives planned to continue his path of dialogue on the themes of the electoral programme, in view of the vote on 8 and 9 June 2024.

Agenda in hand, on Monday 3 June 2024 the candidate for mayor for the centre-left Campatelli will be present at the initiative promoted by Federcaccia Toscana, starting from 9pm, at the Federcaccia UCT headquarters in Certaldo in via Matteotti 65: Marco Salvadori, regional president of Federcaccia Toscana will speak UCT, Simone Tofani as provincial president of Federcaccia UCT Florence, and Claudio Marchi, president of Federcaccia UCT Certaldo. The mayoral candidates of the municipality of Certaldo were also invited to the public meeting open to all hunters, which also includes the regional hunting wildlife plan among the topics on the agenda.

Afterwards, Campatelli will be at the Chalet del Parco di Canonica: a public meeting promoted by the civic list Sara Certaldo with Giovanni Campatelli is scheduled starting from 9.30 pm during which we will talk about Sport, Community Centres, Environment and Associationism. In addition to the candidate for mayor, candidates from the civic list will also speak. There will also be space for good music with Tommaso Palandri’s DJ set.

“The public meetings arise from the need to share this path in view of the administrative elections with the community and are also often born from the requests of citizens, associations and realities of our territory. There is great attention on the issues at the center of our electoral program, issues that are part of the daily life of each and every one. Issues that we have explored in depth with the aim of giving concrete answers to the needs of the area, of those who live there or of those who frequent it for work or tourism reasons done and designed in recent years for and in Certaldo, also thanks to an important funding season such as that linked to the PNRR. More remains to be done and we want to do it in the best way, implementing actions that respond to the real needs of the community”.

Source: Press Office

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