Italy 24 Press News

Atalanta receives the Gold medal from the City of Bergamo, Gasperini moved: “We will come out of here stronger”

Bergamo. In an extraordinary session of Advise Municipal Friday (31 May), the last one chaired by the mayor Giorgio Gori at the end of his decade in charge, Atalanta was awarded the Gold Medal of the City of Bergamo for the extraordinary Europa League victory.

In the setting of the board room of Palazzo Frizzoni the entire team is present, together with the management, with Antonio and Luca PercassiUmberto Marino, co-chairman Stephen Pagliuca and mister Gian Piero Gasperini, sitting together with the mayor Giorgio Gori.

“I hope I don’t cry,” he says Ferruccio Rota, president of the City Council, opening the session, underlining how the success represented, among other things, also “a collective social restart”. On 9 September 2019 Gasperini received honorary citizenship, he recalls, before launching into an adventurous invitation: “if he manages to make us win the tricolour…”, which draws a smile and laughter.

“We feel the need for protagonists and heroes who reconcile us with the essence of football,” declares the mayor George Gori, “in the context in which it took place, Atalanta’s history is one of a kind. We were all there in Dublin, in the square or in our homes, and until the end we didn’t think it could really happen.”

Atalanta awarded by the Bergamo City Council

“I became an Atalanta fan from a perfect contrarian when I saw everyone become AC Milan fans in one of the companies where I worked. The people of Bergamo loved Atalanta when they ran for salvation and even when they weren’t saved. The arrival of the Percassi family, who brought an organization studied in universities, was followed by the arrival of Mister Gasperini, making the mix explosive. I am fortunate that my mandates are contemporary with this story: I have been able to observe how the city’s paths have truly intertwined: we have done the operation of the stadium together, which is now the company’s heritage”.

“The medal is given to those who bring prestige to the city of Bergamo and you have done so: thank you from the bottom of my heart for making us even more proud”.

“I’m not the only captain because I’m only the oldest one, then there are others capable of wearing this shirt like Marten, Djimsiti, Hateboer and others” states the captain Rafael Toloi, “I just want to say thank you to Mayor Gori at this moment, I also want to thank all the former comrades, those who have worked and still work with us, the Percassi family who allows us to give our best, to Stephen Pagliuca, to Gasperini who has changed the history of Atalanta. This cup is for all the people of Bergamo.”

Then it’s up to Gian Piero Gasperini, who does not hide his emotion: “We didn’t even imagine our goals, we built ourselves along the way: at a certain point we started to understand that we could go higher and higher. And the goal came suddenly. We have always had a spirit of wanting to improve. We gave incredible satisfaction to the people, we see the happiness of the fans and this was the greatest success. It was wonderful to see the people who lived entire weeks for Atalanta, who traveled a lot, who only thought about us. Coming here today we understood what the history of Bergamo is, what is behind this team, everyone who has passed has brought at least a small contribution, it is extraordinary to understand the attachment to this territory. It’s something I’ve always tried to convey to those who come from outside. We have received great strength, a great gift, we have understood what is behind us. We will come out of here even stronger and even more true to represent this city.”

“I am very proud to be part of this club and city, thanks to the boys, the staff, the fans for this great season, now it’s time to celebrate everyone’s hard work,” adds the co-chairman Stephen Pagliuca.

Luca Percassi he compliments the team: “As a native of Bergamo it is a great privilege and great honour, I particularly want to thank the boys, each individually, because I remember exactly for each of you what happened to bring you to Atalanta, each of you has a different story. What you did for Bergamo will make you heroes forever, I can only thank you because you made choices to come here, but this choice rewarded you, you believed in the club. I ask you to bring this thanks to your families, who are fundamental and supportive, given the many sacrifices that are made. We have a fortunate life, but that role when you arrive home is fundamental, because it is what gives you the greatest serenity.”

“Our great mayor is leaving us, he even had the damned thing to do such an operation…” says Antonio Percassi instead, “Giorgio, we hope you represent the memories of Atalanta, this is where you exploded, like many players. Atalanta’s strength starts from Zingonia, where we have made and are making important investments. There is a fantastic team there that makes all the best available to the players: it is also thanks to them that we have achieved these results. When I go for a walk, people hug me, cry… Atalanta also made us dream, it’s something for true Bergamo people. We have activities in many countries, we have received crazy comments. People wondered if it was Bergamo. We people from Bergamo are too strong. And now let’s get ready for Sunday, we have to finish well: there’s another schedule to do.”

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