Italy 24 Press News

I’m going to resolve an issue.” The mystery of the letter to the lawyer friend

Palermo, 26 May 2024 – The daughter’s message on social media, the investigations, the mystery of the letter to her lawyer friend. Investigations continue and messages of condolence follow death of Angelo Onoratohusband ofMEP Francesca Donato. At the moment the preferred trail seems to be that of suicide: no sign of a struggle was found on the man’s body. And from the images of the cameras in the area it doesn’t appear that someone approached the SUV where the entrepreneur lay lifeless yesterday. The family is convinced that it is a homocide. From the testimonies it would have emerged that Onorato had gods debts. “I have a question to be resolved with one of Capaci, I hope good-naturedly,” he said to a relative just a few hours before his death. One was given to the investigators letter in which Onorato tells the family to contact his lawyer friend. “He knows everything.” L’autopsy It should be done tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest.

“Inexact things have been said, so I feel the need to specify how things are. My father didn’t commit suicide, he was killed. He was not a person who would have ever left his family like this, and above all, how I myself together with my mother found it. I tell you that it was not a suicide but a murder”.

Write it down, come on social as reported by the Kronos news agency, on a black background, it is Carolina Onorato, the twenty-year-old daughter of Angelo Onoratothe entrepreneur found died yesterday afternoon at her and her mother’s, the MEP Francesca Donato. The man had a tight band around the neck. It is not clear to investigators whether he killed himself or was killed. “Let no one dare say or even think that my father committed suicide – continues the girl – I really thank everyone for the messages of comfort. Forgive me if I don’t reply”.

Until the evening before his death, Onorato and his wife had gone to the tennis club for the inauguration of the summer season. Everyone says they noticed a “carefree and cheerful” man.

They continued until late at night i findings by the Scientific Police on Angelo Onorato’s car, which was parked link road to Viale Regione Siciliana. The lifeless body it was only removed shortly before 11pm and taken to the morgue of the Polyclinic. This morning a new inspection by the investigators also to understand if the cameras recorded any cars that would have stopped next to the victim’s. L’autopsy on the body it could be carried out as early as tomorrow: at the moment Not they would result signs of violence on Onorato.

The track of suicide would be supported by the images of video surveillance of the area. Onorato’s car was parked in a ‘blind’ spot. But what was seen by the nearby cameras – even if not pointed directly at the car – does not appear that any vehicle stopped next to or close to the SUV. And you wouldn’t even see people on foot.

At the moment no leads are ruled out and investigators are digging into it man’s private and working life. There are many questions that do not have an answer. Last night his wife and daughter were accompanied to the Palermo flying squad to be heard as witnesses. Also an lawyer friend was heard by the investigators: a few weeks ago the entrepreneur would have given him a letter in which economic problems were mentioned. Letter that the lawyer gave to the investigators.

According to the Ansa news agency, Onorato wrote to his family that he was facing a difficult moment and that if anything happened to him they would owe it contact the lawyer “who knows the whole situation”. The lawyer, a tax expert, was heard yesterday by the police. The ticket also contained general information on who could have damaged it.

Also brought to the attention of the investigators was the testimony of a relative whom Onorato had picked up at the airport that morning to take him to a baptism. The architect allegedly said to the family member: “I’m going to resolve an issue with a person from Capaci, hopefully in a good-natured manner.”

Friends describe the relationship between Angelo Onorato and his wife Francesca Donato as great love. She, a young lawyer, decides to leave the Marche to follow thatfascinating architect in Palermo. After twenty-five years and two children, their bond appears solid, so much so that – says those who know Francesca and Angelo well – they never go more than an hour without speaking to each other. “They lived in symbiosis“, says those who frequented them. “He kept her informed of all their movements.”

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